Can Chronic Kidney Failure Be Healed By Yoga And Meditation? 5 Effective Poses For CKD Patient

Can Chronic Kidney Failure Be Healed By Yoga And Meditation?

Can Chronic Kidney Failure Be Healed By Yoga And Meditation?

Additionally, studies that provide support have demonstrated the important impact that yoga plays in controlling renal dysfunction as measured by serum creatinine and blood urea levels. Therefore, additional research concentrating on CKD patients ought to think about combining traditional medical care with yoga workouts.

Recent research on people with chronic kidney disease has demonstrated that safe, harmless, and very effective treatments like yoga and mindfulness meditation can help some of the physical symptoms that CKD patients experience.

A complicated medical problem called kidney disease affects how well or how badly the kidneys function. Numerous factors, including diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune disorders, infections, and certain drugs, might contribute to its occurrence.

Healthcare professionals usually treat and manage kidney disease through medication treatments, implementing dietary changes, and occasionally performing dialysis or kidney transplants.

But yoga helps in reducing the suffering of the patient with kidney disease. When individuals meditate, their attention diverts from their present state. this  results in a reduction of the feeling of pain and discomfort. Therefore, yoga cannot eliminate kidney disease but helps tolerate it.


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How far does yoga help in kidney failure?

How far does yoga help in kidney failure?
source : pexels

Yoga and meditation can be helpful for managing some elements of health issues, such as kidney failure, as well as for general well-being.

Meditation lowers stress, swelling, and even blood pressure in different patient groups with CKD has been substantiated by other investigations. But we should never forget that meditation and yoga only aid in kidney diseases but cannot cure them.

Kidney failure patients need to practice yoga. Yoga can significantly impact the course of treatment when the kidneys start getting worse or when there is an interruption in renal function.

The blood’s typical oxygen content is between 96% and 97%. The amount of oxygen in the blood may rise to 99%-100% with the correct yoga poses.

A daily yoga routine can aid in the repair and replacement of kidney cells that are damaged. Some studies show that using Anulom and Vilom’s correct approach frequently causes a 3% boost in blood oxygen levels.

When a kidney patient does yoga correctly, their blood pressure might drop, lowering their stress levels. A patient with kidney failure’s reduced stress levels indirectly impacts their kidneys.

Low blood pressure will allow blood to flow gradually through the kidneys of a patient with renal failure, improving kidney function over time.

The patient’s increased understanding of renal failure can aid in efficiently treating kidney illnesses. Individuals with kidney failure might observe results within a month of the procedure.


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The procedure of meditation for the relief in CKD patients

The procedure of meditation for the relief in CKD patients

The healthcare providers teach patients how to meditate and arrange a regular training program for them. In which professional yoga trainers teach patients to meditate. In the beginning, when the patients begin the meditation practice, a yoga trainer is with them to guide them.

After that, when the trainer feels that the patient’s course is now up to the standard, then the patient himself repeats the procedure.

Patients utilize an MP3 player and headphones to listen to a guided mindfulness meditation that has been recorded for more than 10 minutes. The guided meditation CD typically includes fundamental mindfulness techniques such as breathing awareness, a quick body scan, and practicing self-compassion.

The main objective of the practice of mindfulness is to provide the practitioner with the techniques they need to relieve stress, bring happy feelings to themselves, and embrace a type of “caring for kindness” toward their bodies.

In studies conducted on hypertensive individuals, researchers have proven that mindfulness meditation lowers blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), inflammation, and anxiety while increasing the quality of life.

Yoga’s Impact on CKD Patients

According to the physical review of yoga’s postural movements, the main goals of the practice are to improve blood flow and muscles throughout the body. Many yoga poses involve breathing techniques that stretch the lung tissue and produce signals inhibited by slow-adapting sensors and hyperpolarizing currents.

Breathing workouts alter different inflators’ and deflators’ lung contractions and interact with the central neuronal elements to restore balance to the body. Exercises that promote autonomic tone, such as breathing exercises, can assist in lowering sympathetic tone, which in turn reduces heart rate, SBP, DBP, and metabolic rate.

Additionally, studies that support this claim have demonstrated yoga’s considerable contribution to managing renal impairment as measured by blood urea and serum creatinine levels. Therefore, additional research on CKD patients should consider combining traditional medical care with yoga workouts.


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Yoga poses that help CKD patients

5 Yoga poses that help CKD patients
source : karmaayurveda
  • Standing Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): This posture improves blood flow to the renal region and stimulates the kidneys.
  • Lying Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana): this facilitates stretching the inner thighs and the lower abdomen and may also improve kidney function.
  • Sitting Upward Bend (Paschimottanasana): This posture gradually stretches the lower back and hamstrings while assisting blood circulation to the abdominal region.
  •  Camel Pose (Ustrasana): This pose stretches the front of the body, especially the belly, and may stimulate the kidneys.
  • Corpse position (Savasana): This position encourages intense relaxation and may help with stress management and general well-being.

Time management of practicing yoga 

Patients should practice

  • 20 minutes for breathing practice
  • 20 minutes for different asanas
  • 20 minutes for meditation


Although meditation and yoga can be a component of an overall plan for managing kidney illness, they can be helpful as supplements and not as a substitute for medical care. Yoga and meditation can promote relaxation, lower stress levels, and general well-being, all of which can benefit the body and aid in treating renal disease.


Q: Should I ask for guidance from a healthcare provider before doing yoga for renal disease?

A: You must check with a doctor or certified yoga instructor before engaging in yoga if you have renal illness. They may offer advice, make adjustments, and make sure you perform your exercises safely and correctly.

Q: Is it okay to do yoga if you have kidney disease?

A: In general, yoga is safe for people with renal illness, but it’s important to practice under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

Q: Can yoga and meditation harm kidneys?

A: Generally, no, but some postures can harm CKD patients.

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