Can We Do Yoga And Gym Together? – How Can You Schedule On Same Day 2023

Can We Do Yoga And Gym Together? - How Can You Schedule On Same Day 2023

Can We Do Yoga And Gym Together?

You can do yoga and go to the gym without much trouble if you can keep your schedule and food in check. Your muscles get stronger when you do yoga. It makes muscles bigger by making them stretch. 

So, if you’d like to get the most health benefits from running and yoga, the best thing to do is do both daily.

You can do yoga for two hours a day or stretch for 15 minutes before going to the gym and call that yoga. Regardless of how much time you spend on yoga, if you do it daily, you will start seeing benefits.

You can gain lean mass at the gym by doing intense routines and lifting weights. It will keep you in great shape, give you more confidence, and strengthen and develop new skills.

The gym exercises are more about getting your heart rate up and strengthening your muscles. Working out at the gym makes you stronger and gives you more muscle growth. 

But what about being flexible, strong, and able to stay balanced? Yoga is the best way to get both strength and flexibility.

What Do You Need Most? Yoga Or Gym Training?

It says that you can choose either one based on what you want to do. Suppose you’re a guy who wants to stay in shape and have a good state of mind. And if you want to relax, YOGA is what you should do.

But if you’re a guy and you want strong arms, a flat stomach, and a muscled body, GYM is your place.

Both affect your body in various manners and to different extents.


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Gym Before Or After Yoga

Gym Before Or After Yoga
source: Pexels

We all know that incorporating both gym and yoga gives us countless benefits. But then a question arises: should we practice at the gym after yoga or before? The answer is that it depends on your gym workout and yoga asanas.

Suppose your gym exercises are pretty strenuous and challenging. In that case, you should avoid difficult yoga poses like Ashtanga or Hot Yoga because your muscles have already endured enough stress during a hard workout.

In such a case, when you practice yoga strenuously, it increases the risk of damage to your muscles, sometimes resulting in injuries.

It also happens that your muscles are tired the first time you practice yoga. After that, when you do a challenging gym practice, the muscles can’t bear the stress and get prone to wear and tear. In this way, instead of gaining, you lose.

Doing Yoga And Weight Training On The Same Day

Doing Yoga And Weight Training On The Same Day
source: Pexels

You can perform strength training and yoga on the same day, but starting with the strength training regimen is usually ideal. Because certain yoga positions might make your muscles tired and hence burn up energy that is needed for weight lifting, it is best to practice yoga after you have finished lifting weights.

If you’re doing vigorous gym training and want to do yoga simultaneously, try doing it after the gym. Choose exercises that relax your muscles. Poses to repair muscle breakdowns during the gym. In this way, You can benefit from both gym and yoga with this routine.

If possible, make your routine so that you do not do both gym and yoga on the same day, but on the day when gym training is challenging, yoga should be relaxing, and on the day when yoga is difficult, gym training should not be strenuous. You can enjoy yoga and gym training without fatigue and muscle breakdown.


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Weekly Plan For Yoga And Gym

Here’s what a typical week plan looks like:

  • Monday- Stretch legs + yoga.
  • Tuesday- Arms/Back & Abs + yoga.
  • Wednesday: Cycling (or legs) class and yoga, then practice yoga at night.
  • Thursday: Core, arms, and back, plus yoga.
  • Friday- cycling + yoga.
  • Saturday- Run, hill training, + short yoga.
  • Sunday is a full day of rest.

Workouts To Do Along With Yoga

Workouts To Do Along With Yoga
source: Pexels

Cycling and jogging are better ways to keep your heart rate up for longer, and daily yoga practice helps you breathe better while doing cardio.

Yoga Poses To Do At The Gym

  • Warm-up exercises, complete body rotations
  • Warrior pose (Virabhadrasana)
  • Triangle pose (Trikonasana)
  • Standing Forward bend (Hastapadasana)
  • Chair pose (Utkatasana)
  • Cat stretch (Marjariasana)
  • Sitting Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
  • Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhan pranayama)
  • Corpse pose (Shavasana)
  • Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Meditation


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Best Time For Yoga

Best Time For Yoga
source: pexels

The best time for each person to do yoga is different. Finding a time that works for you and your body is the most important thing. If you do yoga at home, it’s best to pick a time to focus on yourself and your practice when you don’t have to care for other people or do other things.

However, performing yoga early in the day or late at night shows that each has its benefits.


Do your yoga practice on your rest days. This will help get your blood flow and relieve muscle tension and soreness. 

But you can if you prefer to do yoga and go to the gym on the same day. Just finish your gym workout first and then do yoga. Doing yoga before you go to the gym will weaken your muscles and hurt your performance. 

But if you do it after a gym session, you can get the most out of both exercise activities. For example, you can improve your flexibility and mobility and reduce DOMS by doing it after a gym session.


Is It Safe To Have Yoga In The Mornings And A Gym Workout In The Evening?

Yes, you can do yoga and go to the gym on the same day. However, it would be best if you did yoga shortly after your gym workout, not before.

If you want to do yoga earlier than you work out, you need a few hours between the two. For example, you could work out in the morning and again in the afternoon.

What Do You Have To Do After Yoga?

After an hour of yoga, you can have something to eat. The best time to get ready for yoga is in the morning, and the best place to do yoga is always where there is a lot of clean air.

Don’t do yoga 20 minutes before and after you take a shower because your blood flow may speed up after you shower.

Do Yogis Lift Weights?

Lifting weights will make a yogi stronger, which will help them do challenging poses like Handstand and Crow. You’ll gain muscle and burn more fat, even when not moving. Your bones will get stronger, and you’ll see more shape.

Yoga Or The Gym? Which One Burns More Calories?

Both ways are used by most people who lose weight and keep it off. Yoga burns less calories than many other things. But a 2016 study found that yoga may have different effects that could make it an excellent way to lose weight healthily.

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