Can Yoga Cause Diarrhea? – Which Yoga Poses Should You Avoid 2024

Can Yoga Cause Diarrhea?

Can Yoga Cause Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is not a recognized side effect of yoga. Yet, some yoga poses or dietary modifications related to yoga practice may increase digestive problems, such as diarrhea.

Your digestion starts to work harder when you begin a hard practice, which might result in loosies. But keep in mind that your body is simply going through a cleaning procedure.

Yoga is a particularly purifying activity, which may explain why some people experience nausea and diarrhea. Yoga poses include bending and turning to help remove toxins from our bodies and wash out our organs.

This is advantageous! It can, however, also result in some unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and diarrhea.

The presence of severe diarrhea may imply that someone is practicing yoga. This might happen during or after a hard workout, but it’s not always sure. Exercise-related diarrhea is rather typical and typically resolves on its own.

Causes of Diarrhea After yoga

Causes of Diarrhea After yoga

Here are some reasons why you are facing diarrhea after yoga:

1. lack of water intake

Exercise-related fluid and water loss can result in diarrhea and dehydration. Before, during, and after your workouts, drink a lot of water. Water and healthy beverages like coconut water, broth, and fruit juices can help you replace lost fluids.

2. Overhydration

Like dehydration, drinking much water before or while doing yoga might cause diarrhea and stomach discomfort. An excessive amount of water is also harmful.

3. Many yoga positions

Certain yoga positions, particularly those that twist or press the belly, might affect the digestive system and result in diarrhea.

4. Food factors

Some people get diarrhea after eating meals just before or after yoga. Meals that are greasy, spicy, or high in fiber might be particularly harmful.

5. bowel diseases

You may be more likely to encounter diarrhea after hot yoga if you suffer from a digestive issue like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, or ulcerative colitis.

This is so that the heat won’t make these situations worse. Before beginning hot yoga, see your doctor if you have a digestive condition.

They could advise staying away from warm yoga sessions or hiring a trained yoga teacher who knows instruct individuals with medical issues.

6. stress

Yoga can occasionally produce stress, altering the digestive system and causing diarrhea.

7. Hot yoga detoxification

Diarrhea can occasionally result from the detoxifying effects of hot yoga. If you’re new to hot yoga, start with a few weekly courses and see how your body reacts. The heat expedites detoxification and is another reason you can suffer diarrhea after hot yoga.


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How to prevent diarrhea after yoga?

How To Prevent Diarrhea After Yoga

You could adopt the following methods to prevent diarrhea after yoga:

1. Take plenty of water

Prevent dehydration by staying hydrated and drinking enough water before, during, and after your yoga session.

2. Keep an eye on your diet

Monitor your nutrition and avoid eating greasy, spicy, or heavy meals before or after yoga. Instead, pick light, simple-to-digest meals.

3. Change your routine

If you have diarrhea after a certain yoga posture, consider changing your routine or avoiding that pose. For instance, if twisting positions appear to be the issue, try soft twists or avoid them entirely.

4. Practicing pranayama can help prevent bowel disorders

The most effective pranayamas for reviving weakened digestion are:
15 to 20 minutes of Shivananda Pranayama (full abdominal breathing in Shavasana), Omkar, Sheetali Sheetkari, and Bhastrika Pranayama.

5. Implement relaxation strategies

Stress and worry may lead to digestive issues, so including relaxation strategies in your yoga practice, such as deep breathing or meditation, may be helpful.

6. Relax

Pay attention to your body’s signals and pause when necessary. Take a break or cease practicing if you experience pain or stomach problems.

7. See a doctor

It’s important to consult a doctor if you frequently suffer diarrhea after yoga or if your symptoms are severe to rule out any related medical issues.

These actions can help avoid diarrhea after yoga and enhance general health and well-being.


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Which yoga poses should you avoid if you are facing diarrhea?

Which yoga poses should you avoid if you are facing diarrhea?

Yoga postures that are contraindicated for diarrhea are those that you shouldn’t perform while having the illness. The sitting head-to-knee posture, the child’s posture, and the triangle pose are some of the poses in this category that are part of the conventional Bikram sequence.

Depending on the teacher, other contraindicated postures that are not a part of the Bikram sequence but could sometimes be done in a Bikram class include:

  • The down-facing dog
  • pose of Bharadvaja
  • Boat position
  • half-moon stance
  • the posture of the plow
  • sitting forward bend
  • Warrior II

Effective poses

When you’ve cured completely and are prepared to resume your yoga practice, think about doing some positions to build and stimulate the intestines.

Certain postures, like the boat stance and Bharadvaja’s twist, are forbidden for those who are diarrheic. Cat-cow stretches, the king pigeon, the upward plank, and the sphinx are a few more.

Here are some of the poses that can be helpful in diarrhea

1. The Shavasana pose

Shavasana pose
source: google

This is one of the best poses for the cure because it brings relaxation. Its other name is “Corpse Pose.” In this posture, the practitioner lies like a corpse but examines his body without moving. It recovers the stability of your body system.

It relaxes. It restores the mind. It can be practiced anywhere—on a bed, on grass, on the ground, on a mat, etc.—but one thing you should always keep in mind is that it should be practiced under the guidance of an expert.

2. The Halasana pose

Halasana pose
Plough Posture

This is also called “the plough pose.” This is a withdrawn posture. But this is not an advanced pose. It helps with the downward movements of the digestive system. It should be practiced on a thick mat, a folded blanket, or a hard or semi-hard mattress bed.

3. The Sarvangasana posture

Sarvangasana posture

This is a very beneficial posture. This is not only an inverted but also an advanced posture. It can also help with diarrheal conditions. This posture should also be practiced on a thick mat like the Halasana.


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Final words

Although it may not be enjoyable, nausea and diarrhea after yoga are common. You may do a few things to reduce discomfort if you are particularly sensitive.

Most importantly, pay attention to your body’s needs for rest and restoration time.

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