Can Yogis Fly? Exploring The Myth And Reality About Levitate in 2024

Can Yogis Fly? Exploring The Myth And Reality About Levitate in 2023

Can Yogis Fly?

No, Unless they have had such a vast experience of selfless meditation that their body frequency changes and they are spiritually enlightened, they start levitating. But it has yet to be proven.

Yogis like to use the power of mindful breath and air flow to fly. Many of the most exciting asanas on the yoga mat are those that seem to go against gravity. These include arm balances, which are often named after birds of flight, and inversions, which actually flip our normal relationship with gravity’s vertical pull.

Although there are many theories about flying yogis, no authentic and scientifically proven evidence exists that Yogis can fly. They can feel weightlessness through meditation or other yoga practices but cannot actually fly.

Whoever develops real, usable flight would alter transportation, among other things. No requirement for fuel-burning engines… No one has successfully performed accurate, independent flight outside of skydiving from airplanes.

What is yoga flying according to British ENGLISH

A part of Transcendental Meditation in which the person in the lotus pose jumps into the air.

Can yogis levitate?

The idea of levitation is familiar; we have heard of people using spirituality or meditation to raise their bodies or objects into the air. We have frequently heard that yogis and monks can float in the air in intense meditation or a specific yogic position.

According to the Yogic tradition, someone who has gained siddhi on the spiritual path can get the ability to levitate or fly.

In the sutras, Guru Patanjali explains that yogis can achieve this capacity if they practice meditation and direct their attention to the body’s weightlessness. They can then become light, like cotton or a feather.

Can Yogis Flying through meditation

Can Yogis Flying through meditation
source: Vedic feed

There can be a physical experience of ‘lightness’ of the body in deep meditation, the foundation of real yoga [or ‘union’ with a deep inner being or mind].

This feeling is based on skilled sitting, with perfect balance, shrunken breathing, and attention gradually moving upwards and away from external feelings.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi believed that persons who carefully practiced transcendental meditation could develop the power to levitate through a process known as yogic flight.

When meditating on rubbery cushions, practitioners claim that the claimed “levitation” is a form of bouncing.


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How can a yogi fly? …..through parnayamas

When yogis use the Anahata Chakra, which the Vayu Tattva manages, they can control it. And after that, they can achieve such skills and safely fly in the air.

The yogis are so skilled that they can fly. with enough practice. The ability to fly into the air while still in the yoga pose of Padmasana is called Vayu-siddhi, which is thought to remove the evil in the world.

How to levitate through meditation?

Take a big breath in and let it out slowly until you can no longer breathe. Do this three times or more. As you take in and let out breaths, feel the peace spread to every part of your body. Your body feels lighter in every way.

Benefits of yogic flying

In the first step of Yogic Flying, the body lifts up and goes forward in short hops. From a personal point of view, one feels

  • Excitement,
  • Ease,
  • Happiness.
  • EEG tests show that when the body lifts up during this exercise, synchronization and unity of brain waves are at their peak.

Views of a well-known yogi Paramahansa Yogananda about flying of yogi

Views of a well-known yogi Paramahansa Yogananda about flying of yogi
source: Vedic feed

One of the best-known yogis in the western world is Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the classic spiritual work “Autobiography of a Yogi.” published in 1946.

He strongly influenced how the West saw the spiritual knowledge of the East through his spiritual teachings and the example of his own life.

Yogananda says, A yogi’s body loses its grossness after using certain pranayamas.” Then it will levitate or hop about like a leaping frog. Even saints who do not practice traditional yoga have been known to levitate during intense devotion to God.

He further says, The consciousness of a perfected yogi is effortlessly identified, not with a narrow body, but with the universal structure. Gravitation, whether the “force” of Newton or the Einsteinian “manifestation of inertia,” is powerless to compel a master to exhibit the property of “weight” which is the specific gravitational condition of all material objects. He who knows himself as the omnipresent Spirit is no longer subject to the rigidities of a body in time and space. Their imprisoning “rings-pass-not” have yielded to the solvent:I am He.

Flying of yogis according to yoga scriptures

Several ancient Hindu scriptures discuss and explain the ways and approaches to these powers. There are tales of many Yogis being able to fly, although most Yogis who have achieved this strength and talent don’t show it off. With it, they are content and pleased.

Several incidents and legends suggest that yogis who have gained such qualities and strength can fly. According to all texts and phrases on the power of yogis, a highly skilled yogi may literally “float” or “walk” in the air.


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A scientific approach to flying yogis

A scientific approach to flying yogis
Source: Transcendental

Superconductivity, a scientific concept, provides evidence for this. What exactly is superconducting, then? It is a phenomenon that occurs when a substance reaches a temperature, often below zero degrees Celsius, at which its electrical resistance is precisely zero.

For example, at -183 degrees Celsius, cuprate-perovskite composites can turn into superconductors. The magnetic lines can float in space since they do not pass through them in a superconductor.

The practical example of how this is demonstrated is floating of superconductor material with liquid nitrogen. The same superconducting principle may apply when Yogis float in the air.

As yogis concentrate and seek out supernatural powers, there is a good chance that their body temperature may drop. When they do, their body turns into a superconductor.

As we all know, gravity pulls us towards the center and is the cause of everything falling to the earth. The body may float in the air since magnetic lines do not travel through it after turning into a superconductor.

Not proven yet in the scientific process

Stating clearly that it should be understood that this is not a verified reality, that it is only a hypothesis and a theoretical potential for science.

Can some Himalayan yogis who have attained spiritual enlightenment indeed levitate?

Can some Himalayan yogis who have attained spiritual enlightenment indeed levitate?
source: Qoura
  • If the feasibility of such an act is the main focus of the topic.
  • Then, indeed, it is possible to perform such an act, given that you can master the air element through practice.
  • Yet, attaining spiritual enlightenment is not about being able to fly or walk on water; instead, it is about understanding our true nature.
  • We all know how to ride a bicycle; a circus clown would do many tricks.
  • The whole point of riding a bicycle is to get from place to place, not to put it on display.


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In conclusion

Yoga doesn’t aim to lift people into the air. People practiced so hard that they can feel them selves floating in the air , But only a little. According to the Archimedes principle, the net force is equivalent to the fluid’s volume’s weight. displaced, which is the volume of your body.

Air is fluid. Hence, if a vacuum existed at the earth’s surface, you would only be slightly heavier than you are today.

FAQs (Can Yogis Fly?)

Q1: What Can Yogis Do?

A yogi tries to change his or her thoughts, habits, and ways of living so that they are more in line with yoga’s beliefs, principles, morals, and ethics. Yogis choose ways to live that lead them to a place of sattva, which is a state of inner peace and calm.

Q2: What Is Meditation’s Secret Power?

Worry, stress, and worry can be more than just time-wasters. Having your worries and problems play over and over in your mind can hurt your mental and physical health. When you focus, being able to control your mind can help you feel more calm and at ease.

Q3: What Gives Yogis Their Strength?

A well-balanced yoga practice is about more than just being flexible. Many yoga poses are like isometric workouts because you hold a muscle tension in place for a certain amount of time without changing the length of the muscle.

Q4: is yogic flying real?

No, yogic flying is not real according to scientific understanding.

Q5: how do yogis levitate?

Yogis do not levitate in a physical sense; claims of yogic levitation refer to subjective sensations of lightness during deep meditation.

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