Cobra Vs. Upward Dog: Benefits and precautions in 2023

Cobra Vs. Upward Dog

Cobra Vs. Upward Dog

The primary distinction between baby cobra, giant cobra, and upward Dog is at the shoulders and hips. Your arms are bent in baby cobra, and your lower ribs are on the floor. This makes the backbend smaller and more stable and makes dropping the shoulders easy. 

When you move into a big snake pose, you raise your arms but keep your hips on the ground. As the backbend gets deeper, keeping your belly tight is more important to protect your lower back. 

For the “upward dog” pose, your arms should be straight, and your hips should be off the ground. Here, the backbend gets even bigger, and it’s important to keep your hands and feet heavy and stretch up through your spine.

Cobra pose

Cobra Pose, or Bhujangasana in Sanskrit, fights tiredness and soothes lower back pain by opening the chest and stretching the shoulders. It does this by creating a conscious opening in the chest and stretching the shoulders.

You can change how hard the backbend is by lifting or bending your elbows, depending on what you want.

This pose is usually done at the beginning of class as a warm-up for more challenging backbends like Urdhva Mukha Svanasana and Ustrasana (Camel).

How to do the Cobra Pose

  • If you are doing a Sun Salutation, you will move from Knees, Chest, and Chin into Cobra. If not, you can start by lying on your stomach flat.
  • Put the flat bottoms of your hands on the ground right under your shoulders. Straighten your hands back and pull them close to your sides.
  • Stop briefly and look down at your mat while keeping your neck still.
  • Take a deep breath in to get your chest off the floor. Keep your low ribs on the floor and roll your shoulders back. Be sure that your arms stay close to your sides. Don’t let them fly off to the left or right.
  • Don’t move your neck. Could you not make it louder? Keep your eyes on the floor.
  • Exhale to drop back to the floor (or push back to Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward Facing Dog, if you are doing a Sun Salutation).


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Is the cobra pose good or bad? Are there any benefits?

Is the cobra pose good or bad? Are there any benefits?
source: pexels

Although Bhujangasana can hurt your back, it has many benefits.

  •  It is a great yoga pose for relieving back pain and moving your spine. Because it uses a lot of muscles, it improves the back, legs, knees, arms, and shoulders.
  • Since the Cobra pose is a backbend, it stretches the full front of the body, from the chest and ribs to the shoulders and stomach. It opens up the heart and lungs, which can make it easier to breathe.
  • If you spend your day hunched over a computer or desk, this posture is a great way to set your shoulders, chest, and neck muscles. It can also help loosen up your upper body if you spend much time bent over.
  • The prone position activates the organs in the abdomen, which can help with stomach problems.
  • Now it’s your turn to enjoy all of Bhujangasana’s great benefits. There are a few programs on TINT, like Barbra Noh’s Bamboo Backbends or Kristin McGee’s Yoga Flow, where you can try this asana as part of a well-rounded class. So, unfold your yoga mat and slither through some relaxing backbends!

Precautions: Cobra pose

You shouldn’t perform the Cobra Pose whether you suffer from carpal tunnel or have hurt your back, shoulder, or arm.

Avoid it if you are pregnant or have recently undergone abdominal surgery.

If you feel pain in your lower back, you should ease into the position by sitting slightly or shifting your weight to your forearms.


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Upward dog pose

Upward dog pose
source: pexels

Urddhva Mukha Svanasana comes from the Sanskrit words for “upward,” “face,” and “dog,” which are urdhva, mukha, and svan. The other name of this pose is also the Upward-Facing Dog Pose. Upward Facing Dog improves the whole body and opens the chest. The upward Dog straightens the back and wakes up the kidneys and nerves.

How to do the Upward Dog pose

  • Start by lying on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your hands next to your lower ribs.
  • To work your quads, spread your legs apart and press down with all ten toes.
  • Turn your inner legs toward the sky as you pull your outer feet toward your center.
  • Use your hands and feet to push down.
  • When you inhale, stretch your arms out and lift your legs.
  • Pull your chest forward and up with your arms perpendicular to the floor, your feet planted, and your legs moving.
  • Pull your shoulders back and dig your hands into the ground.
  • Make sure that the curve of your neck matches the shape of your upper and middle back.
  • After five deep breaths, let go.


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Benefits of Upward Dog Pose

Benefits of Upward Dog Pose
source: yogajournal

An upward-facing dog can strengthen the wrists, arms, and back. The “office slump” is effectively treated by its chest-opening action, which also helps to open the heart and release the lungs.

Backbends like updog are seen as “extroverted” poses that might counteract our propensity to withdraw within ourselves when we experience stress or depression.

  • Makes you more upright.
  • Your wrists, arms, and spine are strengthened.
  • Your core, shoulders, and chest are stretched.
  • Gives your body energy.
  • Relieves sciatic pain.

Precautions: Upward Dog Pose

Students with 

  • back problems like scoliosis,
  •  Kyphosis,
  • with weak joints and bodies 
  • or acute lumbar spondylitis should not do this pose.
  •  People who need heart surgery should not make this move. 
  • Recent or long-term back, hip, arm, or shoulder injuries, pregnancy, and recent stomach surgery can all cause back pain.


Cobra is a variation of the upward-facing Dog that needs less spine movement. In the cobra pose, your legs, hips, and feet are level on the floor, and your arms are slightly bent.

In the upward-facing dog pose, your legs, hips, and the tops of your feet are lifted off the floor. Your arms are straight, which lets you bend your back more.

Most of the benefits of an upward-facing dog are the same as those of a snake pose. These moves extend the spine, stretch the upper body and hip flexor muscles, and can help relieve mental stress.

On the other hand, Upward-facing dogs use more leg muscles and work the ankles more than cobra pose. On the other hand, the cobra pose uses the triceps and biceps more than an upward-facing dog.


Q: What is the alternative to an upward-facing dog?

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) is the best option for facing a dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) when doing Sun Salutations or vinyasasas.

Q: What is the difference between Bhujangasana and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana?

In Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), the tops of the feet, knees, legs, pelvic bone, and hands all touch the mat. In Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana), only the tops of the feet and the hands press down to lift the knees, legs, and hips off the mat.

Q: Is Cobra stretch good or bad?

The Cobra Stretch is a great way to increase your range of motion and flexibility. When done right, it can also help relieve pain and stress in the neck and upper back.

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