Did Prophet Muhammad Meditate? – Is It Haram In Islam? 2023

Did Prophet Muhammad Meditate? - Is It Haram In Islam?

Did Prophet Muhammad Meditate?

Muraqaba are things that Prophet Muhammad SAW often did before Allah SWT made him a Prophet and Messenger. After seeing the moral decline of the Mecca community, he often went to the Hira Cave to be alone and ask God for help.

Muhammad(SAW) devoted much of his time to prayer and meditation. There are many references in history that the Prophet used to meditate. He spends time thinking and praying in a cave on Mount Hira, three miles from Mecca.

Dhikrullah-The Islamic Meditation

Khalwat comes from khala-yakhlu, which means “emptying the mind.” Khalwat is how a person acts to get away from the world by going to certain places (like churches) to work on long-term goals and pray for help from God while meditating (Dhikrullah).

What Happened To Muhammad (Saw) While Meditating?

Hazrat Khadijah, the wife of the Holy Prophet, says that when God spoke to the Holy Prophet, that was in the form of a dream.. Before the Prophet got the first message from God, he would take hours away from other people and meditate on Mount Noor. He would think about what was going on in Mecca.

Why Did Muhammad Go To The Hills To Meditate?

Why Did Muhammad Go To The Hills To Meditate?
source: zamzam

 The Prophet knew something was wrong with his society, so he went away and stayed quiet to figure out what was happening. From then on, the Prophet(SAW) often went to the Hira Cave to serve God for several days. Until the angel Gabriel comes and tells God’s message. (HR Al-Bukhari).

 People could hear his heart beating when the Prophet was deep in thought or prayer—his time in meditation changed his heart. What he said and did would depend on what was in his heart.

The teachings of Hazrat Muhammad were so influential that the people he guided were completely transformed. Those people used to change their way of life and started living according to the teachings of the Holy Prophet. This is what this kind of practice did to the people who followed him.

Prophet Ibrahim And Meditation

In his youth, Prophet Ibrahim also did the khalwat a lot. In his khalwat, he closely and carefully looks at nature. Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) would think and pray for a while. He would think about what he saw and who made the world.

He couldn’t believe how fast day had turned into night. All of these things he was thinking about were like prayers for him. They took him closer to God and helped him figure out what was happening.

Meditation In Islam

Islam has a long and significant past with meditation. And this is the most important thing about meditation in Islam: it was around before revelation, but Prophet Muhammad found it helpful.

When the Prophet meditated, he wasn’t told to do so by a revelation. Instead, it was a normal response to his social and spiritual situation. This is why meditation is essential in Islam Islam. 

You can’t eat pork or drink alcohol if you are a practicing Muslim. But if you ask scholars if meditating is okay, you will get different answers.

Teachings of Islam consist of constantly praying, reading, relaxing, and thinking. Islam does not believe in monasticism. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to become monks and renounce life.

Islam teaches good deeds. Good deeds are also given the status of worship and that the best way to pray is to put their faith into action by educating themselves, doing good acts, giving to charity, ensuring justice is done, etc.

There is no heaven. The most we can do to get closer to truth is to clean up our souls.

Is There Any Difference Between The Meditation Of Muhammad (Saw) And Our Meditation?

Is There Any Difference Between The Meditation Of Muhammad (Saw) And Our Meditation?
source: pexels

What you mean by “meditation” makes a difference. If it’s like thinking (tafakkur) or keeping an eye on yourself (muraqaba), then it’s okay in Islam. 

 The trouble now is that people focus on how to do something but need to remember why they are doing it. People don’t give it much time, but make it a habit to do it in three minutes or less. But The Prophet’s (saw) spiritual journey differed from ours because he started further away from where most of us will end up.

 Every station has its way of doing things, and the Prophet (saw) had places with Allah that we can’t quite imagine because we have yet to be in them. Meditation, as discussed as a spiritual or mental activity, is far from these levels.

This means thinking about your character and mistakes, asking for forgiveness, and making better habits and manners a part of your life until your heart changes and this new quality becomes a part of you. This is what we know as “training the lower desires.”

Prophet’s Goal In Meditation

His goal in his meditation was to grow closer to his Lord. This is what we call salaat, or linking with God. There was a lot of thinking about oneself, and it wasn’t just sitting around.

1. Dealing With Pain And Suffering

 Meditation is a way to deal with life’s pain, battle, and ups and downs. Especially for Prophets, this is true. He had all of these things. People tried to kill him, his friends, and his family members.

Most of his tribe didn’t like him. Sanctions were put on him and his fans as well. The agreements he made were broken. His students went through so many tests. 

He was punished because he was trying to save his close friends, family, and all people from the fires of hell. He was punished because he taught and encouraged people to pray and feed people experiencing poverty.

2. Applying Comfort For Himself And His Followers

He and his followers were told to pray five times daily to calm him down. Not only did he need salaat or prayer to get through the storm, but so did his following. He did everything he could, which helped him think about his Lord. He knew he should trust and worry about his Lord, not others.

Salaah And Meditation

Salaah And Meditation
source: pexels

Salaah has holy rules that must be obeyed to ensure it is done right and to Allah’s satisfaction. We can look at what we say and do while still being in an organized setting when we meditate. 

Salah is a way to worship Allah, just as meditation is a way to think about why we worship Allah. We can use meditation to get in touch with our most accurate thoughts, which we might not be able to do during salah.

But it does not mean we should leave the prayer and meditate. And through meditation, we want to access God. Instead, we should observe prayer because it is obligatory and because God has provided a way for us to be close to Him. 

 Meditation is beneficial for us so that we can reach God through it. This way, when we carry out both practices together, we will get peace and closer to God.

Is It True That Meditation Is Haram In Islam?

Meditation is a big part of the Islamic faith. Those who think that Islam Islam has nothing to do with meditation are either very wrong about Islam Islam or very bad about meditation. 

Some scholars believe that since meditation-like practices exist in Buddhism and other religions, meditation is not permissible for Muslims.. People must remember that the Prophet meditated before and after becoming a prophet.

The other group says that salaah took the place of prayer. Let me look into the group that says that salaah took the place of meditation. This is a simple way of saying that meditation and salaah are the same. Salaah is a form of prayer about Allah, while meditation is about the person doing it.

What Makes The Prophet’s Meditation Different From The Reflection Of Other Religions?

What Makes The Prophet's Meditation Different From The Reflection Of Other Religions?
source: pexels

If this meditation means sitting or standing and thinking while making specific movements, like Buddhist monks or Chinese people do to find peace, then the Prophet (peace be upon him) never did anything like that.

But he did self-withdraw (khalwat) and went to a quiet place to think about what was wrong with society and try to find answers and peace, but he didn’t do any rituals.


In Islam Islam, the rules are the way to get to God. The Prophet was not just a “lawgiver,” as many people think. He was also the Muslim people’s spiritual guide. As in Judaism, the goal of salvation is to follow the rules, and safety in Christianity is to believe.

Islam is a path that goes between these two. The question then is not whether or not meditation is Islamic but whether or not it is functional.

God’s direction isn’t going to come to people with low desires. It will only happen to those who constantly want God’s help and advice. Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salatu Wasalam both used Muraqaba to get there.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Can I Meditate While Listening To The Quran?

A: People can listen to the Quran while they meditate or before they go to sleep.

Q: Does Islam Allow People To Do Yoga?

A: Some authors say it isn’t permitted, while others say it is allowed without any conditions. Others, though, distinguished between some of its ways and others. They accepted the ones in line with Shari’ah and banned those against it.

Q: Is Salat Such As Yoga?

A: People say that the standing position, or Qiyaam, is like the mountain bend in yoga, which helps people become more self-aware. 

Q: What Do Muslims Believe Regarding Meditation?

A: Muslims meditate and “worship” (‘ibda) to remember that God is the one who keeps everything going, makes it, and takes care of it. 

Q: In Islam, How Do You Calm Your Mind?

A: Chanting dzikir as well as Salawat.

Q: How Long Did Muhammad Meditate In The Cave?

A: At age 40, Prophet Muhammad would stay a whole month in a cave to get far from the world.

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