Does Yin Yoga Burn Calories? Benefits in 2023

Does Yin Yoga Burn Calories?

Does Yin Yoga Burn Calories?

Yin Yoga burns how many calories? Yin yoga is a very mild kind of yoga with far less calories than a power, vinyasa, or hot yoga class. You might burn anything between 150 and 300 calories. Yin yoga is the polar opposite of Yang yoga, and it does not always burn calories.

The number of calories burned in a yin yoga class is much less than in a power, Vinyasa, or hot yoga class. Between 150 and 300 calories could be burned. Yin yoga is sometimes a good way to burn calories.

One of the most famous ways to do yoga is to do yin yoga. In Yin Yoga, you move slowly from one pose to the next and stay in each pose for a long time. There are yoga classes called “restorative yoga” and “Yin yoga” in this category. 

No matter how light the action is, it still takes energy and burns calories. How many calories you burn in Yin Yoga depends on your body weight and how hard and long you work.

A person who weighs 150 pounds can burn between 120 and 178 calories during a 60-minute Yin Yoga class. Compared to other types of exercise, this doesn’t burn as many calories. Still, Yin Yoga has many other benefits, such as making you more flexible, reducing stress, and making you more aware.

About yin yoga

Yin yoga is based on the Taoist ideas of Yin and yang, which are opposites in nature that work together. Yin is steady, still, feminine, quiet, cold, and going downward. Yang is seen as something that moves, changes, is manly, energetic, hot, and goes up. 

People say that the sun is yang and the moon is Yin. Tendons, ligaments, and collagen are relatively stiff connective parts and are Yin. On the other hand, muscles and blood, which are more flexible and mobile, are yang.

In yoga, the quiet asanas (poses) are called Yin, while the more active, energetic ones are called yang because they work the muscles and make the body hot.


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Does Yin Yoga help you lose weight?

Does Yin Yoga help you lose weight?
source: pexels

Yes, of course, is the short answer. Yoga is a great way to move your body and help it burn calories. It also has many other benefits, such as making you more flexible and helping you feel less stressed. 

  • Weight loss happens when the body burns more calories than it takes in, so any exercise that leads to a calorie balance will help you drop weight. 
  • Find the right class that makes you burn the most calories. This will help you lose weight. Vinyasa yoga is a good place to start because it moves faster and burns more calories than other types. On the other hand, Yin yoga could be a good choice if you want a low-impact workout. 
  • Yoga is a great whole-body workout that burns calories, tones muscles, and makes you more flexible. In addition to helping your body, it has also been shown to lower stress and clarify your thoughts. 
  • Yin yoga, in particular, is very healing and therapeutic, and because you hold the poses for longer, your body can get the most out of them. 

Yin Yoga increases metabolism

This Yin Yoga routine helps reset the beneficial flow of qi via the liver and gall bladder channels. This allows the body’s metabolism and natural ability to eliminate toxins and waste products. During this practice, give yourself time and space to fully feel feelings.

yin yoga benefits

yin yoga benefits
source: pexels

Yin yoga, like other types of yoga, has a lot of benefits, such as:

  • It makes you more flexible in general.
  • Getting things moving
  • This yoga makes your joints and muscles move more freely.
  • Yin yoga urges you to pay attention to your breath.
  • The practice of yin yoga gets your emotions in check.
  • By practicing yin yoga, you can eliminate the signs of worry, sadness, anxiety, and trouble sleeping.

Disadvantages of yin yoga

Some yin yoga poses can be hard on the hips and pelvis. 

  • If there is too much stress, the pubic symphysis or sacroiliac joints could become less stable. So, don’t use harder or longer holds. 
  • When a woman is in her third trimester, she should avoid Yin yoga poses that require her to lie on her back for a long time.


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Yin yoga works on the body’s deeper organs through long, quiet holds. It works on the body’s connective tissues, such as ligaments, joints, bones, and deep fascia networks. This is very different from other types of yoga, which focus on the muscles the whole time.

Yin yoga doesn’t burn as many calories as other types of exercise because it is less active. On average, doing Yin yoga for 30 minutes burns between 100 and 165 calories. This may seem like a lot of calories, but let’s compare it to how many calories you burn when you do nothing.

FAQs: Does Yin Yoga Burn Calories?

Q: Does Yin Yoga count as exercise?

With Yin Yoga, you work out your connecting tissues, not your muscles.

Q: What type of yoga burns the most calories?

VINYASA YOGA: This type of yoga burns more calories than any other kind. Vinyasa is a full-body workout that builds heat, focus, and aerobic stamina through quick, continuous movements.

Q: Is doing yin yoga every day okay?

Most of the time, doing Yin yoga every day is safe.

Video guide about yin yoga

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