Fallen Star yoga pose: how to do and contraindications in 2023

Fallen Star yoga pose

Fallen Star yoga pose

The intermediate yoga stance Patita Tarasana, famous as the Falling Star pose, Fallen Triangle Yoga Pose, or Rockstar Pose, combines the Side Plank and Triangle Pose with a bit of backbend. It’s a beautiful way to feel like a superstar while receiving the many advantages of each stance.

This yoga stance for the entire body simultaneously stretches and strengthens. It also expands the heart and chest, increasing vitality and creativity. 

Falling Star Yoga Pose Instructions

Falling Star Yoga Pose Instructions
source: yogajala
  • Begin in the downward-facing dog position.
  • Take a three-legged dog position by raising your right leg.
  • The right knee is bent and curvy toward the left elbow.
  • Lean forward with your right leg, placing the foot’s side on the floor to the left of your mat.
  • Place your right hand under your weight and extend your left arm.
  • Turn on your rear foot immediately, bringing your heel down toward the floor.
  • To raise your hips and chest upward and toward the ceiling, ground with your hand and foot.
  • Maintain a shoulder stack over your wrist, or bend your back slightly.
  • Look up at the upper hand.
  • Say for five to ten breaths, then resume downward dog.

Benefits of Fallen star yoga pose

  • It helps strengthen the core muscles and develop trunk strength in the arms and shoulders.
  •  It also opens and extends the chest, hamstrings, and hips. The posture is also famous for promoting flow and creativity.
  • expands the shoulders, chest, and hips muscles
  • You may use this position to assess your stability, strength, and balance.
  • It also improves energy and creativity.
  • This unusual position is perfect for Vinyasa sequences when you want to bring some fun into your class.
  • It can be the ideal warm-up position for arm balancing because it strengthens your upper body and improves your balance. 
  • This position energetically stimulates the first-root chakra, which lies at the base of your spine. Balancing this chakra makes you feel secure, calm, peaceful, and safe.
  •  Students must finish before any more incredible spiritual or energetic exertion may begin. 
  • Excellent ante-pose for deeper backbends and arm balances. 
  • The teacher may develop Children’s upper body strength by performing the Fallen Star stance.


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Various Fallen Star poses

Falling Star Yoga Pose Instructions
source: skillsyoga
  • Square Pose.
  • Triangle pose extended.
  • Triangle pose in reverse.
  • Triangle in a circle pose.
  • Triangle Pose Block Extend.
  • Triangle Pose Block with a rotation.
  • Triangle pose with a fall.
  • Changes to the Pyramid Pose Triangle pose with the hands down and flowing.

Fallen star pose chakras

The root chakra (Muladhara Chakra), the sacral chakra (Swadisthana Chakra), and the heart chakra (Anahata Chakra) are all chakras.

Tips And Tricks: 

  • Stop when you reach your limit, then extend the raised knee to the side if you cannot bend it to the front elbow. 
  • Do this position later in your practice after you’ve warmed up your wrists and performed some core strengthening exercises. 
  • To generate the lift in this posture, firmly press down on the lower hand and foot. This is where you receive the majority of your strength.
  • Maintain a long, neutral neck. Depending on your feelings, you can look straight ahead, up or down. 
  • Take calm, deliberate breaths to feel more rooted and let your body open out more. 
  • Put the exact amounts of weight on each foot and the stable hand. Additionally, push your hips up and contract your buttocks to shift some weight to your glutes.

Contraindications of Fallen star pose

Contraindications of Fallen star pose
sourc: seemamagazine

1. It is lowering one’s neck

In each back bend, beginners frequently merely let their head fall back. The hook should, however, occur in the upper and middle back rather than the neck. Instead, maintain a neutral neck alignment with the rest of the spine. Although it requires more work, doing so over time will strengthen your neck and enhance your posture.

2. Injuries

If you have a wrist or shoulder problem, avoid this pose. Avoid these ailments as well, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

3. Into the shoulder, it is sinking. 

Students frequently lean toward the lower arm’s shoulder. You may prevent this by firmly pressing the hand into the ground and aggressively elevating the body via the shoulder.


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Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) and Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose) are combined to create Patita Tarasana (Fallen Triangle Pose/Fallen Star Pose).

While students practice this posture as a part of the arms, shoulders, and core yoga sequences, you may also practice it to add originality to the series. Students with any injury or who recently had surgery on their hips, wrists, arms, neck, lower back, or spine should avoid this pose.


Q: Is a fallen star the same as a fallen triangle?

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) and Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose) are combined to create Patita Tarasana (Fallen Triangle Pose/Fallen Star Pose). 

Q: How do you get into the fallen star pose?

Start stretching your arms and legs while in Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana). Hold the position for roughly 4-6 breaths.

Q: What is the Sphinx position like?

Ekhart Yoga’s Sphinx Pose: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Put your shoulders over your elbows while lying on your front.
  • Bring your shoulders back from your neck, let your shoulder blades slide down your back, and feel your breast bones lift slightly.
  • Breathe into your belly and lower back.

video guide

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