Is Having Sexual Intercourse After Doing Yoga Okay? – 6 Postures And Benefits In 2024

Is Having Sexual Intercourse After Doing Yoga Okay?

Is Having Sexual Intercourse After Doing Yoga Okay?

Yes, of course, because there is no issue in having sexual intercourse after yoga. It is neither damaging nor hazardous, nor is it unethical. Yoga is neither religion nor worship; it is a spiritual and physical exercise that is not religious.

Yoga is a stretching, strengthening, and mindfulness exercise. It may help you reconnect with your body and become more mindful of your feelings. Yoga may improve some people’s sexual experiences by enhancing body awareness, range of motion, and tranquility.

Yoga can provide several health advantages that may be beneficial to sexual health. Helping to improve both physical and mental health can help with sexual function and simplify obtaining pleasure from sexual activity.

Yoga’s possible advantages for sexual encounters

Yoga's Possible Advantages For Sexual Encounters
  • Yoga cultivates body awareness, which allows you to connect more profoundly with your body and its sensations. This increased awareness can improve your capacity to be present during sexual encounters, allowing you to explore and respond to enjoyable feelings more easily.
  • Yoga helps enhance flexibility and stamina, particularly in the hips, pelvis, and lower back. Increased flexibility can provide a greater range of motion during sexual activity, allowing you to experiment with new positions and actions. Furthermore, increased stamina from regular yoga might boost endurance and vigor during intimate times.
  • with the practice of yoga many Pelvic floor muscles become activate and strengthen. Strong pelvic floor muscles help with bladder control, sexual pleasure, and more powerful orgasms. Bridge, Boat, and Mula Bandha (the root lock) pose especially target the pelvic floor.
  • Yoga is well renowned for its stress-relieving properties. Yoga can aid in lowering anxiety, calming the mind, and fostering a general sense of relaxation by using breathing exercises and relaxation methods. Lower stress levels and a calmer frame of mind allow you to fully immerse yourself in the present, which can improve sexual encounters.
  • The integration of the mind, body, and breath is encouraged through yoga, which improves the mind-body connection. During sexual experiences, this mind-body link may provide a greater sensation of closeness. You might have a deeper relationship with your spouse if you remain mindful of your body’s feelings and presence.
  • Frequent yoga training can increase one’s sense of confidence and body acceptance. Yoga helps you understand acceptance and appreciation for your body, regardless of its appearance or any perceived flaws. This healthy self-esteem and more gratifying sexual encounters might result from this favorable body image.


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yoga positions that better sexual life

yoga positions that better sexual life

Locked Angle position (Baddha Konasana)

This position extends up the hips and groin, supporting pelvic flexibility. It can boost circulation and stimulate reproductive functions.

Bridge Posture (Setu Bandhasana)

This asana improves the condition of the pelvic floor muscles, which are essential for sexual activity. It also extends the chest, shoulders, and hips, which promotes flexibility and opening in these areas.

Joyful Baby Posture (Ananda Balasana)

This posture extends the inner thighs and groin, releasing tension and increasing hip stability. It can also stimulate the reproductive organs and engage the pelvic floor muscles.

Cobra position (Bhujangasana)

This position expands the chest, shoulders, and belly, boosting blood flow to the pelvic area. It has the potential to increase spinal flexibility as well as energize the reproductive and endocrine systems.

Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

Try the Cat-Cow to increase spinal mobility and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Awareness of one’s body as a whole and the relationship between breathing and moving may both benefit.

Goddess position (Utkata Konasana)

This position helps build up the legs while opening the hips and groin. It can assist in improving pelvic stability, flexibility, and strength.


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Tips that are helpful for sexual activity after yoga

Tips that are helpful for sexual activity after yoga


Effective communication makes sure both partners feel safe and at ease. People can appreciate each other more if they communicate their needs and preferences openly.


Research shows that learning about yoga postures and concepts can assist in guaranteeing that yoga sex is safe and joyful. Pose advantages vary and may not be appropriate for persons with certain health issues.


Sex after yoga includes positioning and caressing. Both parties should not proceed until they have both agreed. This might involve talking about what the poses include and who is in charge of what.

Begin slowly

It is best, to begin with more reasonable and simple positions before trying more difficult ones.

Attention to your body

People should pay attention to their bodies and be aware of any alarming symptoms, such as weakness, tingling, acute pressure on the joints, or any other source of discomfort.

Consulting a health professional

Pregnant women and those with medical issues should talk to a doctor about their sexual health before trying sex after yoga.

Preparing up

Warming the body by extending and beginning with mild techniques is critical in avoiding injuries while doing yoga.


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The choice to engage in sexual activity after yoga is ultimately subjective and based on your situation. It’s crucial to put your physical health first, pay attention to your body, and make satisfying decisions. Mutual consent and open communication with your partner are necessary for a satisfying and enjoyable sexual experience.


Q1. Are yogis sexually attractive?

A: Researchers discovered in a 2014 study that women who practiced yoga–specifically Hatha, pranayama, and raja–reported higher levels of sexual pleasure than women who did not.

Q2. Why do I feel sexually stimulated after practicing yoga?

A: Since your chakra is visible, you were awarded greater energy and balance, yet your red sex chakra remains open when it must be closed to elevate your kundalini to the next chakra.

Consider a pipe with water flowing uphill. There are 5 valves in all. The water reaches the top, but if some valves are partially open, the pressure required to open the 7th chakra will be little.

And that energy is cast off/misused in the chakras of sex, anger, greed, attachment, and ego (others claim fury resides in the stomach).

Once all of them are closed, you may open the uth chakra to completely experience the journey that meditation/yoga provides when the chakras/vices are under control. Otherwise, the more energy you have, the more you will waste on the chakras.

After 7th unlocks, you may get linked and obtain energy from beyond your ‘self.’

Q3. Is it important to wash up or shower before sex after yoga?

A: People may have different hygiene standards. Whether you feel the urge to get dressed up before having sex after yoga is entirely up to you, communication with your spouse is crucial for both of you to feel at ease and agree on proper hygiene.

Q4. Does yoga aid in the recuperation process after having sex?

A: Yoga helps ease tension in the body, helps with post-activity recovery, and encourages relaxation. For healing following sexual activity, gentle stretching, restorative postures, and relaxation methods might be helpful.

Video Guide

source: Youtube

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