Meditation and cool breeze (vibrations) – complete guide in 2023

Meditation and cool breeze (vibrations)

Meditation and cool breeze (vibrations)

A person or thing that gives off a cool breeze (not a cold breeze) is emotionally pure and in balance. If you feel a hot breeze, tingly, or painful waves, this is a sign of a lack of equilibrium or an imbalance.

There is a way to feel the cool breeze moving from the palm of your hand and the top corner of your head (the fontanel bone area).

This isn’t magic, but it does happen when a power in your body called Kundalini Shakti wakes up. Hindu mythology says that each person has seven chakras and a kundalini power.


This kundalini energy is in the shape of a coil. It is above the Muladhara Chakra, the first chakra in the body if you start at the bottom. It is found in a triangular sacrum bone. This power stays inactive unless someone with the authority to do so wakes it up. Once this power is awakened, you can feel the Holy Spirit’s cool breeze coming from your palms and the top of your head.

Sahaja yoga and calm breeze feelings

Sahaja yoga and calm breeze feelings
source: discoversahjayoga

All those who do Sahaja Yoga can feel the Holy Spirit’s cool breeze, also called cool vibes. 

Sahaja Yoga, found at, is a unique way to meditate. It was started in 1974 by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, also known as “Mother.” She passed away in 2011. 

Sahaja Yogi is the name of a person who does Sahaja Yoga. When the mother’s blessing awakens one person’s kundalini shakti, that person becomes a Sahaja Yogi. He can then awaken the power of other people by giving them Bandhan, a Sahaja Yoga ritual.

 If they feel hot waves, it means there are problems in the body’s chakras that need to be fixed with Sahaja Yoga.

To grow this power, you must meditate daily for at least 10–15 minutes. Visit if you want to know how everything works. Also, this yoga is free because, as Mother said, “one cannot buy the experience of divine love.”

What could be the reasons (spiritual or physical for the cold sensation like a breeze that I feel on the top of my head, the crown

What could be the reasons (spiritual or physical for the cold sensation like a breeze that I feel on the top of my head, the crown
source: quora

There are many things like this that a spiritual seeker has to go through. He should not worry about them. When Kundalini rises, the body become change and adapt to new scenarios. Don’t worry, please. Get going. The path to spirituality is a long one.

As we become more pure through yoga’s sadhanas, we can feel the flow of prana increasing to the point of focus. This is called shakti chalana, or making prana move to the point on purpose. It’s not a fantastic feeling, but a sense that that point is busier than the surrounding area.

During this time, we are still aware of our bodies. Just ignore it and keep your mind and breathing on one thing.

Once the body is out of the mind, keep going until the reason and thoughts are gone, which means there are no thoughts. If you can stay in this state for a long time, you will pass from being aware of your ideas to nothingness.

We’re sending you the energy, light, and courage to move from the Ajna chakra to the Sahasrara chakra.

Feeling a cold sensation on top of the head has a spiritual meaning.

In deep meditation, the pranas, or life force, can rise and cause many different feelings, such as Cold on the top of the head and hot and pleasant surfaces in the spine and head. Seeing the light with the eyes closed at the Ajna chakra.

Tingling On Top Of Head: What Is The Spiritual Meaning?

Tingling On Top Of Head: What Is The Spiritual Meaning?
source: linkedin

These feelings mean nothing to people who don’t know anything about spirituality. But for those of us who are in touch with our inner selves, they are signs of things going on above us.

The tingle on your head is a psychic sign that you are getting advice from the higher world.

The feeling comes from the energy flowing from these worlds; your spirit guides use it to get your attention.

The next time you feel buzzing on the top of your head, clear your mind and ask your guides what they want to tell you.

You might get advice through a direct message or feel like you know what to do next.

In either case, believe that a greater power is guiding you and do what it says.

If this feeling has happened to you more often, it could mean that your guides are trying to tell you something important.


source: healthline

When we feel feelings on the top of our heads, it means that there is energy around our Crown chakra that we can utilize to help us reach our goal.

The crown chakra is the seventh and highest, related to faith and a link to the divine.

When this chakra is open, you may feel like you are one with the world and be more open to advice from your higher self.

How do you know if your crown chakra is open?

Signs Your Crown Chakra Is Opening

  • Awakening the spirit.
  • I have a clear head.
  • We have increased understanding and care.
  • More sense of direction.
  • My intuition got better.
  • It lessened worry and stress.

How can I protect my crown chakra?

People can keep their head chakra safe by doing routines to open and heal chakras. Clearing your mental borders can also help you avoid harmful or damaging energy.

Traditionally, a scarf or cap is worn to cover the head. This helps to keep the bones of the brain stable and saves the animation from moving at the tip of the lead safe.

Chakra healing stones or crystals are another way . You can use these by putting them over the chakra while you meditate, spreading them around the house, wearing them as jewelry, or taking them with you. Some rocks that help heal and protect the head chakra are:

  • Clear quartz removes bad energy and brings the chakra system back into balance.
  • Lepidolite bridges greater awareness and helps with faith and inner knowledge.
  • Labradorite can help people connect with their most fabulous selves and higher chakras. 

Bottom line

Our Kundalini energy is awakened at the first Sahaja Yoga session, and from that point on, we must meditate for just 10 minutes every day (at any time of the day). We begin to feel a cold breeze on our palms and on top of our heads as the Kundalini energy purifies each chakra.

One may experience warm breezes or tingling feelings while the cleansing , but gradually, it will become colder.


Q: What does the top of the head mean spiritually?

Spirituality, awareness, and a higher level of consciousness. 

Q: Why do I get a cold sensation on the top of my head?

Most of the time, a feeling of Cold in the head, like the pain of brain freeze, is caused by problems with blood flow.

Q: What symptoms indicate the awakening of Kundalini?

Feelings of ‘energy’ traveling through or stuck in specific bodily areas, frequently including the chakra points. 

Q: How does rising Kundalini feel?

You may have wonderful physical feelings, even a full-body orgasm that is more sensual than sexual. Your life or possibly past lifetimes are now clear to you in profound new ways.

You now possess a strength and clarity that makes it possible for you to transform your life for the better fearlessly. Your imagination soars.

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