Should I do Meditation Before Or After Yoga? – Best time for Meditation In 2024

Meditation before or after yoga

According to Derfuss, yoga and breathwork regulate the nervous system and awaken your subtle energies, which makes meditation a great complement to these exercises. If you don’t do yoga or breathwork, she suggests doing so after working out.

But It also depends on your preferences. Whatever is most suitable for you and your choices will decide the answer to this question.

The decision to meditate before or after yoga is a personal one that can be affected by time limits, personal choices, and requirements. To decide which strategy suits you the best, it can be worthwhile to try both.

Meditation Before Or After Yoga

Some people like to meditate before practicing yoga because it helps them focus on what is currently happening and get the most out of their yoga practice.

Even before practicing yoga, meditation can aid in relaxing the mind and reducing stress, improving both yoga’s physical and psychological effects.

Some like to meditate after yoga because it can help them organize their feelings and apply the advantages of yoga to their daily lives. After yoga, meditation can further the relaxation response and create a sense of calm and peace.

What order should I do yoga and meditation?

Meditation (Dhyana) is the seventh part of yoga, so it should come after asana, the physical practice. People say that the state of Dhyana is impossible to describe and can only feel like pure happiness. This is when your body, mind, senses, and breath are all about what you think.

You can only get to the state of Dhyana if your body or mind is still. So, it would help if you always did Hatha yoga, the physical part of yoga, before you meditate.So it should better if you do yoga before meditation.

Can you do Meditation before yoga?

Benefits Of Meditation before yoga
source: unsplash

However, some people believe that meditation is best practiced after the activities of yoga because yoga and breathwork calm the nervous system and activate your mind tools. When our muscles are tired, we can more easily sit still and enter a peaceful breathwork meditation practice.

Meditation is an excellent method to prepare your mind and body for yoga. Because of this, many individuals decide to practice yoga before meditation to improve their meditative practice.


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What should I do before yoga or meditation?


  • To wake up, wash your face.
  • Brush your teeth to wake up feeling clean and refreshed.
  • Put on clothes that feel good, so you won’t be bothered while sitting.
  • Get rid of any clothes or other things in your quiet space.
  • Get ready for bed.
  • Let out the dog.
  • Set your phone to quiet or “do not disturb” so it won’t bother you.
  • Use the toilet.
  • Find a cushion or chair that you can sit on comfortably.
  • Light a candle to invite light into your space metaphorically.
  • Set up your timer or your app that will help you through meditation.
  • Before you start, take a few deep breaths in and out through your nose to calm your nervous system.


  • Set a goal for your morning meditation, or choose a phrase.
  • Pull a tarot card or read a chapter from a book that gives you hope to get you through the day.
  • Decide in your mind to stay sitting and focused on your meditation for your chosen time.


  • Spend time taking care of yourself and getting better.
  • Send a wish for happiness, peace, and love to a person, a group of people, or all living things.

Benefits of meditating before yoga

1. Mind-calming

Meditation can aid in mind-calming and lowering mental activity. Getting the most out of your yoga practice might help you concentrate and stay in the moment.

2. Helps to relax

Meditation can be useful for people who feel nervous or tense before beginning their yoga practice because it may help to reduce tension and anxiety.

3. Awareness-raising

Meditation may help you become more attentive and self-aware, which will help you focus on your body and breath throughout your yoga practice.

4. Improves calmness

For people who want to adopt their yoga practice to de-stress and relax, meditating before yoga can help generate a state of relaxation and peace.

5. Improves general well-being

Studies have shown that meditation offers several health advantages, such as lowering blood pressure, boosting the immune system, and easing anxiety and depressive symptoms.

Meditating before yoga may effectively improve your practice and encourage a sense of inner peace and well-being.


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Benefits of Meditation after yoga

Benefits of Meditation after yoga
source: unsplash

After yoga, meditation is a great technique to further your state of relaxation and inner peace while combining the advantages of your yoga practice.

The following are some advantages of meditating after yoga:

1. Based on a person’s stress relief

Yoga practice can help calm the body and mind, making it simpler to enter a state of meditation.

2. Improves awareness

Yoga can help you develop attention and awareness, making it simpler to maintain your present-moment focus during meditation.

3. Improves clarity of mind

Yoga practice can help decrease mental distraction and clear the mind, making it simpler to concentrate during meditation.

4. Enhances general well-being

It has been shown that combining yoga and meditation has several health advantages, including lowering stress and anxiety, boosting mood, and encouraging a feeling of well-being.

5. Reflective thinking

Reflection is possible during meditation after yoga. You can think about your yoga practice and experiences on and off the mat. You may have a deeper grasp of who you are and what you do.

Remember that there is no right or incorrect method to meditate after yoga. You might wish to attempt a guided meditation, pay attention to your breathing, or sit quietly. Whichever strategy you use, permit yourself to relax completely and be truly present.

What should I do before yoga in the morning?

If you practice in the morning, get ready by getting your body, mind, and spirit ready. Meditation in the morning helps set the tone for the rest of the day. For a complete experience, you can set intentions, do yoga poses, practice deep breathing, write in a notebook, or sit.

If you don’t have much time in the morning, get up, go to the bathroom, and relax. Get out of bed, go to the bathroom, find your pillow, and sit down. Meditation can be as easy or challenging as you want it to be.

Meeting yourself in the morning as you are can be a sweet, engaging, and exciting thing to do. It’s a perfect thing. Please do it. If you have more time in the morning, take some time to get your body, mind, and spirit ready for a meditation exercise.


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Suggestions for improving meditation

Suggestions for improving meditation

Having a strong foundation while learning a new skill, like meditation, is important. Understanding how to practice meditation is almost as important as learning the benefits of meditation.

1. Establish a peaceful location

Meditating in a peaceful environment is best, especially if you start. Make sure to turn off your phone, computer, and other electronic devices that provide notifications after selecting a peaceful area.

2. Inspect your posture

Since there are no absolute guidelines for meditation, you should sit upright so the energy can easily move.

3. Go slowly and steadily

Meditation is a skill you may develop over time. You can feel nervous and restless when you’re learning the technique. You will gradually learn how to control these emotions so that they don’t consume your thoughts.

The most important thing is to start slowly, be patient, and gradually increase the time as you become more familiar with the exercise.

4. Use a timer

To keep yourself focused and ensure you don’t exceed the specified amount of time for your meditation practice.

5. Concentrate on your breath

A good base for your meditation practice is your breath, so pay attention to it. Please pay close attention to how your breath feels as it enters and leaves your body.

6. Admit interruptions

Mind wandering during meditation is normal and should be expected. Notice your thoughts when they wander and gently bring them back to your breathing.

7. Meditate every day at the same time

Set up a time in your calendar for meditation at the same time every day and commit to sticking with it to help you develop the habit.

8. Walking while doing meditation

You should combine walking and meditation as you get better at it. Start by going for a 15-minute walk. Pay attention to your breathing, your feet moving, and the sounds in the area.

Choose one of those sensations to concentrate on again whenever you feel your thoughts straying. You’ll feel more connected after doing this.

9. Use meditation apps

Following along with a meditation app can help you form a habit or take your practice to a deeper level, regardless of how long you’ve been practicing meditation. While many applications are free, some are not. Try out several apps before choosing one.

10. Daily practice

Regular practice is necessary for meditation to progress, just like any other talent. Try to meditate for a few minutes every day, and then, with time, extend your sessions.

11. Be consistent

It may take some practice before you start to benefit from the advantages of meditation. Don’t give up if you don’t get results right away. The advantages will gradually appear if you continue to practice.

Remember that meditation is a personal practice, and what is effective for one person may not be effective for another. Try a few different approaches to see which suits you best.


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Can yoga and meditation be practiced together?

Can yoga and meditation be practiced together?
source: unsplash

Yoga and meditation increase the link between the mind and body, improving general health and well-being. Several types of yoga include breathing exercises that are incorporated into the physical positions, as well as meditation.

Can meditation and yoga be combined into one practice?

Start by converting your regular yoga practice into a meditation session. Both dynamic and static positions work for this. The metal object is frequently the breath, bodily awareness, or mentally repeating a mantra.

What needs to be prevented before meditation?

Avoid overly caffeinated meals and beverages that might destabilize your body and thinking. Moreover, it would help if you stayed away from oily animal items.

Eating steak and practicing meditation doesn’t go well together. Furthermore, avoid eating anything sugary before you meditate.


Practicing meditation before yoga can help you relax, improve your calmness and develop a sense of focus. It helps with the preparation of the body and mind for yoga.

While the other hand, meditating before yoga can help you achieve yoga’s physical advantages to your emotional and mental state. Anyhow the best approach depends on what suits you. You have to decide according to your yoga practice and routine.

FAQs: should i meditate before or after yoga

Q: Why is 4 am the best time to meditate?

According to the ancients, the Brahma Muhurta Sandhya is the best time to focus. It is between 4 and 6 a.m. at sunrise. After a good night’s sleep, the mind is calm and refreshed, and the day’s activities haven’t started yet.

Q: What are two don’ts of yoga?

  • Only eat a little before yoga
  •  Downward-facing dog and reverse water pose are done when the stomach is empty.
  • Don’t make it worse
  • Don’t do yoga when you have your period
  •  Don’t do yoga when you are sick

Q: What is yoga’s golden rule?

Yoga means to be one. That means we all, not just our bodies, need to grow. We bring our hearts and our decisions together. When we show kindness, it ties us with our community and the people around us. And helps make a calm mind, which in yoga is called samadhi.

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