Why Seeing Flames During Meditation? – Is It Okay? 2023

Why Seeing Flames During Meditation? - Is It Okay?

Seeing Flames During Meditation

Fire is regarded as the element that provides us with the drive and enthusiasm to pursue our goals. Fire is The source of life that gives warmth and cooks meals for us. However, the significance of fire goes well beyond its use as a tool for socialization and survival.

The meaning of different parts of a meditation process can be so different from one person to the next that my fire could be your ice. So look over all your responses to this query and trust your gut about what feels right and what doesn’t. That will contact you with what you want to know.


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Context Of Fire As Referring To Meditation

Context Of Fire As Referring To Meditation
source: pexels

As you can see, the element of fire plays a significant role in the human psyche and, because of its strength, may be used to guide our meditation effectively.

Lighting a candle is sometimes seen as creating a line of communication with God, and imagining a flame inside of ourselves can help us burn away negative emotions or stress.

In the context of fire, it is a factor that makes things more straightforward. Fire eliminates things that get in the way of growth, success, health, or love. I have used fire in meditation to get rid of my ego self-images.

These are the familiar masks and outfits we learn to wear as children and mold to our psychological bodies until they become unconscious or preconscious masks that hide our authentic selves, regularly to the point of suffocation.

Seeing Fire When Meditating

Both the inside and outside of the fire show the highest level of holiness. The Vedas say, “I focus on the flames, which lets me see all of life as holy. In this holy time, I am either the rite or the priest who gives out the holiness.”

Meaning Of Seeing A Candle In Meditation

The Ajna, the third eye chakra, is connected to candlelight meditation. It’s also called the sensitive eye, and people think it can help them see beyond the physical world. It involves faith, awareness, intuition, and feeling linked.


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Do’s And Don’ts Of Candle In Meditating

Do's And Don'ts Of Candle In Meditating
source: pexels

1. Healing Of Emotions

Looking at a candle can bring you into the present, but our eyes are very busy and use many of our brain’s resources. It’s a long drive. To keep yourself safe, you always live in this very moment.

Being in this moment can help heal your emotions in a small way. We had never heard of a truck driver becoming enlightened, though, because being in this moment does not clean your subconscious mind.

2. Cleansing Process

You can’t do anything with your cells, muscles, or mind for the cleansing process to work. No imagining, no imagery, no praying, no singing, no listening to music, etc.… When you have much to do, your brain’s cleaning process slows down or stops.

3. Lock Yourself In The Process

You want to lock your arms and legs while sitting in a meditation pose. You want to lock your sense of sight when you close your eyes. Meditating in silence makes you want to lock your sense of sound. Our thoughts are all that is left.

Ideas you can’t stop or shut down. You can do nothing but watch your breath as it is. Not changing the way you breathe, not blocking your breath, and not doing anything else to your breath. You don’t change how you live.

4. Take Control Of Feelings

When you’re not doing anything, whether it’s a job or nothing at all, only then can your deep-seated emotional pain, anger, shocks, and threats come to the surface so they can be healed. Your goal is to keep paying attention to your breaths, no matter what comes up.

It will help if you keep your balance. That’s when you can take control of your feelings. At that point, you can change the computer codes of what you learn in your life.

5. Focus And Strong Willpower

On the other hand, if you always have something going on in your mind. Nothing came to the surface. Nothing is different. It’s a lot like a machine that makes juice. The water, oil, and fiber will never separate if the blade is constantly moving.

Meditation is the skill of separating how we feel from what we do about it. No touching, moving, or shifting was allowed for 60 minutes. Never is it easy? It takes focus and a lot of strong willpower.

Remember, don’t lie down, don’t get sleepy, and don’t fall asleep. Don’t dream for the world to be easy. You want to get bigger and better than you were yesterday.

Siddha Yoga Four Parts Theory About Flames

Siddha Yoga Four Parts Theory About Flames
source: pexels

Siddha Yoga says that the lights you see when you meditate are connected to your four parts. Sthula Shariram is the bodily body, Sookshma Shariram is the mental body, Karan Shariram is the super-conscious body, and Mahakaran Shariram is the super-conscious body. When you meditate, you can see these forms as fires.

The colors of the fire and the person they stand for

  1. Sthula shariram.Red light. 
  2. Sookshma Shariram: White light.
  3. Karan Shariram: Blacklight.
  4. Mahakaran shariram: Blue light.

The deeper you meditate, the more you will see these fires.


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Some Tips About Seeing The Light During Meditation

Some Tips About Seeing The Light During Meditation
source: pexels

Colors look different to different Dhaka. It may have something to do with a chakra that is being fixed or opened.

Here are some ideas that will help you:

  • Start with a Guru chant or Guru Vandana. If you don’t have a Guru, you can do the Shree Shiva Panchakshara mantra with Rudraksha Mala beads since Lord Shiva is the Adi Guru.
  •  You can also do the japa of your Isht Devata and ask it to help you improve your meditation or Dhyana. 
  • You can do something like 11 miles to bring in more mental energy and then move on.
  • Every day, you should meditate or do Dhyna. Take advantage of it every day because that will slow your growth. Try to practice meditation every day at the same time.
  • Maintain your yoga mat or postures separately. Do not let anyone else use it.
  •  Do Dhyna every day in the same place. If you keep the area clean and burn Guggal and Loban incense sticks or cones, it will keep away bad energy and make you feel calm and at peace.
  • Before you meditate, you should do some Asanas and Pranayama. Surya Namaskar is a better way to start. Asanas and Pranayama assist in clearing the Nadis, especially Ida, Pingala, and Shushumna, and bring the Prana Vayus into balance. 
  • If Shushumna is blocked, Kundalini can’t rise to the Sahasrara or Crown chakra. Read Shree Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to find out more.
  • Concentrate on the white light often. With Guru’s help and practice, you can focus more.

When a shaka does Meditation or Dhyana, they may see different colors and images. This is a sign that the person’s mind is growing or is becoming more aware of him or herself. One should be focused on something other than this and keep going without Spiritual glory. One still has a long way to go before they reach Samadhi.

If You Observe A Golden Light While Meditating

  • You are the golden light or aura. Power and heavenly force or presence are symbolized as golden light.
  • You have attained skill and are an advanced spirit, at least during meditation time.
  • You are lifted beyond fear by the golden energy, which grants you strength that is only spiritual in origin.
  • Now, take this to heart and maintain your modesty. Don’t let this hurt your ego.
  • No matter what occurs, always remember to keep your heart open.


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Some People Don’t See Anything During Meditation; Why?

Some People Don't See Anything During Meditation; Why?
source: pexels

1. Not Making The Brain Busy

When you relax, you aren’t making your mind work. This is important. We’re so connected to our thoughts that we can live. Visions happen when people meditate because their brain is busy and needs to remain that way. To avoid being caught, the thief of brain activity put themselves up as the agent of faith.

Two Tricks

This is the only thing happening. It’s great that you are OK with this. It’s also possible that you prefer to avoid visuals, and that’s why your mind works in different ways. People also like the “profound insight” and “powerful emotion” tricks. We usually do one of two activities when we meditate:

  • Visions, thoughts, and feelings are important to us, and we consider them “levels” that must be reached before silence is “attained.” In reality, they are just more of the same brain process. We don’t fall for these tricks, but we do get heavier. We think that the devil is after us. This is also not true. The brain is like a four-year-old child who refuses to go to sleep. It has a lot of tricks that all look like they are about going to bed.
  • “First, I need a deep understanding.” If you give this child another glass of water, all she will have to do is go to the bathroom. You can’t tell her what to do or fall for her tricks. But you can gently lead her back whenever she gets up and sits quietly with her. She’ll realize at some point that it’s OK to rest.


 Light in meditation can mean different things to different people. We can see it as an act of spiritual awakening, spiritual development, uplifting energy, or a connection to the divine.

Whatever the meaning, seeing the fire or light while meditation may be a profound experience. It can represent spiritual growth, bring peace, and establish a relationship with a higher force.


Q: Why Do I See Lights When Meditating?

During meditation, did you notice a white light? your top chakra, found at the highest point of the head, is why. This chakra is involved with our intuition and is linked to source energy. It can cause migraines, disassociation, and anxiety when obstructed.

Q: Is It Normal To Have Visions During Meditation?

Although this puzzling phenomenon is rare, it does occur frequently enough to be worthy of research. Visions often appear when we are in a state of meditation that is halfway between sleep and waking.

Q: How Do You Know If Meditation Is Working For You?

You’ll experience improved mental clarity.

Q: What Should We Consider When We Meditate?

Pick three things you are thankful for as you begin your meditation. You’ll realize why your life is excellent and become happy simply by concentrating on the aspects you enjoy.

Q: How Long Can I Do Meditation Each Day?

A 40-45 minute session.

Video Guide

source: YouTube

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