Should I Do Yoga Before Or After Walking? – What’s the Best Approach? 2024

Should I Do Yoga Before Or After Walking? advantages and disadvantages before and after yoga

Should I Do Yoga Before Or After Walking?

It depends on your interests and aims whether you should do yoga before or after walking. Both solutions have advantages and can be helpful in different ways.

Before performing yoga, you should stroll on your jogging. After that, take a few minutes to recover and perform yoga in the following order: Asanas strengthen our bodies and make us more aware/conscious of our bodies. Asanas help to unwind both the body and the psyche.

Yoga before a walk helps your body get ready for the action. Yoga can help you stay injury-free while walking by increasing flexibility, enhancing joint mobility, and activating your muscles.

A focused attitude to your walk may be encouraged by beginning your workout regimen with yoga, which can also help you focus and center yourself.

Yoga has become wildly popular recently due to its health and wellness benefits. I have always been health-conscious, and six months ago, I added Yoga to my daily exercise routine.

I do a five-kilometer walk every day to keep myself fit and energetic. For six months, I tried to adapt to different strategies, like walking before and after Yoga.

To my surprise, I found many exciting results from my experiments. I observed that there are certain advantages and disadvantages in both scenarios.

Advantages of Yoga before walking

Advantages Of Yoga Before Walking

Firstly, I would like to share my experience of doing Yoga before walking.

While practicing this routine,

  • I felt more flexibility in my mussels.
  • It improves body-mind integration and considerably reduced stress levels.
  • Practicing Yoga before my walk could set a peaceful and upbeat tone for my exercise session.
  • The combination of gentle movements, deep breathing, and focused attention helped alleviate stress and tension, leaving me feeling more relaxed and rejuvenated before I even started walking.

By practicing Yoga before my walk, I could cultivate a deeper connection with my body, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. This awareness helped me to adjust my walking technique and posture, leading to better alignment and reduced strain on my muscles and joints.


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Drawbacks of yoga before walk

Drawbacks of yoga before walk, disadvantages of yoga before walk

On the other hand, I encountered some drawbacks of this strategy.

  • By performing Yoga before my walk, I found that while Yoga could serve as a warm-up activity, some styles or practices did not sufficiently elevate my heart rate or warm up specific muscles used during walking.
  • If my yoga routine primarily focused on gentle stretching and relaxation, I needed additional warm-up exercises before engaging in a brisk walk to prevent injury.
  • Secondly, adding Yoga before my walking increased the overall time commitment to my exercise routine. When I had a busy schedule or limited time for exercise, it was challenging to fit in both activities. In such cases, I needed to prioritize one over the other or find alternative ways to incorporate Yoga and walking throughout my day.
  • For some reason, transitioning from a calm, focused yoga practice to a dynamic and rhythmic walking routine disrupted the flow or mindset. It took time to shift from the reflective nature of Yoga to the more outward-focused activity of walking, which potentially affected the overall experience and enjoyment.


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Yoga after walk benefits

Yoga After Walk Benefits,  advantages of yoga after walk

I did Yoga after walking for almost a month and found some interesting results.

  • Walking served as an effective warm-up activity before engaging in Yoga.
  • Walking before Yoga increased my blood flow.
  • It helped me warm up the muscles, and prepared the body for physical movement.
  • It helped loosen stiff joints and gradually increased my heart rate, making my body more receptive to the following yoga practice.
  • Walking before Yoga help me to establish a stronger mind-body connection. It allowed me to focus on my body’s movements, breathing, and sensations. This awareness and connection carried over into my yoga practice, enhancing my ability to be present and mindful during yoga postures and breathing exercises.
  • This strategy provided me with an energy boost, especially when done briskly or in an outdoor setting. The increased blood circulation and oxygen intake during walking invigorated my body, making me more alert and energized.
  • This was particularly beneficial when I feel sluggish or lethargic before starting my yoga practice.
  • It helpes me to clear my mind and promote mental clarity.
  • It was an opportunity to disconnect from distractions, engage with my surroundings, and it allowed my thoughts to flow freely.
  • Walking before Yoga, I entered my yoga practice with a refreshed and focused mind, enhancing my ability to concentrate and be present during the procedure.
  • It also helped to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.
  • Engaging in a brisk walk before Yoga helped me release tension, improve my mood, and alleviate stress accumulated throughout the day. This created a more relaxed and calm state of mind, enhancing the benefits of my subsequent yoga practice.


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Disadvantages of walking before yoga

Disadvantages of walking before yoga

On the other hand, I could also compile a list of drawbacks for this strategy.

  • Sometimes walking before yoga lead to fatigue, especially when I walk longer or more intensely. This impacted my energy levels and ability to engage in and enjoy the subsequent yoga practice fully.
  • It also causes temporary stiffness in the muscles and joints, mainly when walking briskly or on uneven terrain. This stiffness affected my range of motion and flexibility during yoga poses, making achieving full extension or proper alignment harder.
  • Whenever I had limited time for exercise or a busy schedule, fitting in both a walk and a yoga session was challenging. Depending on my priorities and available time, I needed to choose one activity over the other or find alternative ways to incorporate both throughout my day.
  • Whenever I had brisk walking, it increases my body temperature, heart rate, and blood flow. If I started my yoga practice immediately after walking without allowing a proper cool-down period, I found it more challenging to transition into slower, more calming yoga poses or relaxation techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions: (FAQs)

Q1: Should I do yoga before or after walking?

The ideal sequence depends on your personal preference and goals. However, it is generally recommended to perform a gentle warm-up before walking, which can include light stretching or simple yoga poses.

After walking, you can engage in a more focused yoga practice to stretch and cool down the muscles, promote flexibility, and cultivate a sense of relaxation.

Q2: Can I do yoga and walking on the same day?

Absolutely! Combining yoga and walking in the same day can provide a well-rounded approach to fitness and overall well-being. Consider starting with a brisk walk to warm up, followed by a yoga session focused on stretching, balance, and strength.

Listen to your body and adjust the intensity of each activity based on your energy levels and fitness level.

Q3: What are the benefits of doing yoga before walking?

Performing yoga before walking helps prepare the body by warming up the muscles, enhancing flexibility, and improving joint mobility.

It can also help you cultivate mindfulness and mental focus, ensuring a more mindful and enjoyable walking experience. Yoga can help align your posture, improve balance, and reduce the risk of injury during your walk.

Q4: What are the benefits of doing yoga after walking?

Practicing yoga after walking allows you to cool down and gently stretch the muscles that were engaged during your walk. It can help reduce muscle soreness, enhance flexibility, and promote relaxation.

Yoga after walking can also be a meditative practice, allowing you to integrate the benefits of both activities and promote overall well-being.


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In conclusion, With or without considering the advantages that are mentioned above and the drawbacks of different sets of exercises, it is crystal clear that Yoga and walking are two complementary forms of exercise.

Everyday walking helps to improve heart health, boost endurance, and increase overall fitness. It is a weight-bearing activity that strengthens bones and muscles.

Conversely, Yoga provides a low-impact workout that focuses on flexibility, balance, and strength. By combining both activities, you can enjoy the cardiovascular benefits of walking along with Yoga’s toning and flexibility benefits.

The most crucial point is to listen to your body, respect your limitations, and find the right balance between walking and Yoga that suits your needs and goals.

On the other hand, doing yoga after a walk can act as a cool-down and assist with stretching and muscular relaxation.

Walking may warm up your body and boost blood flow, making it a great time to practice yoga for deeper stretches and to speed up recovery. Yoga is a relaxing and contemplative activity you may undertake after a walk to unwind and free yourself from stress.

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