Spider Pose Yoga (Utkata Konasana): how to do and benefits in 2023

Spider Pose Yoga: Utkata Konasana

Spider Pose Yoga

Spider Posture is a version of Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana). In addition to many of the same advantages as its mother posture, Spider Pose also has extra feminine connotation due to the spider imagery.

To strengthening the core, hips, thighs, ankles, and calves, it is an excellent hip opener and improves energy and confidence.

This balancing position, which also functions as a forward bend, enhances concentration and coordination, offers the advantages of inversion, and is fun to perform with youngsters.

Those with lower back or knee problems should proceed with care when doing this position. In the second or third trimester of pregnancy, avoid this stance.


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Utkata Konasana Variation Uttanasana Crossed Hasta On Floor

Utkata Konasana Variation Uttanasana Crossed Hasta On Floor

Put the tips of your thumbs and middle fingers together. Except for your index finger, gently curl in the rest of your fingers. Stay in this position in Utkata Konasana Variation Uttanasana Crossed Hasta On Floor for about six breaths, bringing your chin to your chest and looking anywhere behind you.

Spider Pose: How to Do It

  • Fold forward from Goddess Pose.
  • Let your arms fall to the floor and lift your feet off the floor.
  • Cross your arms in front of you with your palms on the floor and your hands turned toward your body. Join the tips of your thumbs and forefingers at the same time.
  •  Bend your arms and cross your wrists so that your fingers are spread and your knuckles are on the floor.
  • Cross your arms like this and hold on to your shins.
  • Hold the pose for 3–10 breaths, then take your heels off the ground, stretch your legs, and hang for a few breaths.

Spider pose yoga for kids

Spider pose yoga for kids
source: namastekids

Spider Pose is a fun yoga pose for kids of all ages that consists of an animal. This spider is in Busy Bugs and The Very Busy Spider, which have yoga exercises based on bugs.

Use Spider Pose to get better balance, build power in your legs, and strengthen your core. Kids who try to balance closer to the floor will also improve their agility.

How to do it

  • Start in Mountain Pose and then spread your feet out.
  • Put your hands on your mat between your feet and bend your knees. Try to keep your feet flat on the floor with your feet wider than your knees.
  • Reach your hands behind your legs and grab your heels with them. 
  • Stay still or gently rock from side to side.
  • Bring your hands before you and sit down to get out of this pose.


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Benefits of spider yoga pose

Benefits of spider yoga pose
source: flicker
  • Build up and use your core muscles. Activity in these ‘core’ muscles (shoulder, back, stomach, and hip)
  • Using the arm muscles can improve skills like writing and getting dressed.
  • Improve your ability to follow what you see, especially by looking straight up and back down.
  • Make the links between the right and left parts of your brain stronger.
  • Develop a sense of rhythm and stay more alert to help you focus.

Contraindications of spider pose yoga

Also, pregnant women, seniors, and students with carpal tunnel syndrome, acute wrist, neck, or shoulder pain, bulging discs, or acute lower back pain should avoid this practice.


Spider Pose (Utkata Konasana Variation Uttanasana With Hands Crossed On Floor) creatively balances the body in a forward bend while opening the hips. So, the hips, shoulders, back, legs, and arms are all used in this practice.

Try to crawl backward or even sideways, but be careful not to hit anything!

You can use your hands for balance as you rock from side to side on your toes. Try to move forward, backward, and to the side while squatting.


Q: What does Utkata Konasana do for you?

It strengthens the pelvic floor, legs, knees, and feet. It strengthens the spine and awakens the Muladhara, Swadhisthan, and Manipur chakras. It also opens the heart chakra and makes people more confident and kind. – People with sciatica can feel better after doing the pose.

Q: What is the spider pose?

Q: Does the practice with the spider work?

The spider practice is a good way for guitarists who have played for a while to improve their skills. It is one of the best exercises for getting the left-hand fingers to move independently and in time with each other.

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