What Is Magnetic Pull During Meditation? – What You Need To Know In 2023

What Is Magnetic Pull During Meditation? - What You Need To Know In 2023

What Is Magnetic Pull During Meditation?

Magnets serve in Magnetic Meditation to wake up our senses so we can feel our energy and energy patterns. When we have energy, we instantly pay attention and relax. This process is a natural way to reduce stress, improve focus, and feel refreshed.

Pulling Sensations During Meditation

During meditation, You might feel as if something is pulling you. Because you become aware of small energy moves. Rarely is this kind of thing worth worrying about, and most of the time, it doesn’t mean anything special.

 As these things tend to take a person’s mind off of meditation, they have two basic options:

 1) Ignore the energy distraction and stay centered on the spine, between the eyebrows, or on your meditation method, chant, picture, prayer, etc.

2) Move into the center of the energy field and gently coax or pull that energy back into your center.


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1. What If The Second Option Happens

In the second case, The Divine Mother’s live presence (the Aum vibration) perceive by the yogi as not only the “prana” discussed in yoga but also as subtle energy. So, ” meditating on” prana is a valid way to focus on and be devoted to something peacefully. 

This energy needs to get into the spine because the spine is where kundalini energy wakes and rises to the brain on the way to awareness, which happens at the spiritual eye, the point among the sights. So, a yogi’s most common advice is to draw the energy within the spine and then up to the spiritual eye.

2. A Word Of Advice

, though: you can be sure that the ego will take credit for any minor energies, pictures, dreams, etc., that show up, and the desire to be “humbly proud” of what you’ve done will come up. “The road to enlightenment is not a circus!” Paramhansa Yogananda warned us.

“Test the spirits to see if they are from God,” Jesus said. “Of God” is about how the ego and mind take credit “for themselves.” So, it also works for pick #1!

Vibration During Meditation

Vibration During Meditation
source: stockimages

No matter what kind of body movements you have or what you’re feeling before and during them, most of the time, body movements that happen during meditation are caused by two things:

1. Less Stress From Meditation’s Deep Rest

This is clear. In meditation, muscles open up when the body becomes very calm. This will usually feel like twitches and small movements, like your thumb leaping, but it could also be a more significant movement, like your head turning quickly.

2. More Energy Moving Through Your Body.

This is a more complex answer, but you may feel that the movement connects to “energy.” In this scenario, deep meditation opens up some energy routes, and as more energy starts to move, it can hit blocks.

The body can tremble or move independently as the power breaks down the barriers. This is because all that happens in the energy field shows up in the body. (Learn more about the Human Energy Field.)


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Involuntary Body Movements During Meditation

Involuntary Body Movements During Meditation

During meditation, many followers experience Yogic Kriyas like 

  • Asan (body stance),
  •  Bandh (lock),
  •  Mudras (gestures), 
  • Pranayam (breath control), 
  • or body movements like moving, shaking the head, clapping, smiling, etc.

 These are caused by the Kundalini rising.

When your Kundalini wakes up, it can make you do things called Kriyas that you don’t want to do. The movements can be very light, like soft moving, or very strong, like seizures. This is how you feel every time you meditate.

Refrain from believing anyone who warns you that doing this can be harmful or hazardous. It isn’t. Additionally, you don’t require a guru to lead you through it.

At first, it may feel uncomfortable, but if you keep breathing and trust your body, you’ll quickly realize what’s going on and perhaps even look forward to it.

The Feeling Of Energy During Meditation

The Feeling Of Energy During Meditation
source: Istock

When focusing, it is rare to feel intense waves of energy. This feeling is a sign that your energy is awakening, and you should handle it with great care., especially if it happens in the head. It might be a good idea to stop relaxing and start studying since waking up suddenly would change your life in a big way.

It can be terrifying, so it would help if you were ready. Finding your chakras in the lower parts of your body is a good idea because you’ll want to get the energy out of your head first. It is best to move those strong power waves into a lower chakra. 

The reason is that they can get so bad that you can’t control them, which means you can’t control your mind. Moving them to a lower chakra before they get too firm will make waking energy much more straightforward.


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Heavy Body Feeling During Meditation

Heavy Body Feeling During Meditation
source: Quora

People sometimes say that their bodies feel very heavy and strange to them. All these are normal feelings when you meditate because your mind is moving into more subtle thought worlds.

Meditation can make the body relax in a way that is similar to sleep, which can make us feel tired or heavy. Even experienced meditators often have trouble with feelings of heaviness and sleepiness.

It’s the mind’s way of avoiding the path that directly faces your subconscious and can change your habits.

Final Words

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali says that any of these experiences, like the feeling of being pulled during meditation, can help you focus on your meditation.

Feelings of profound peace, joy, and awareness of prana, chakra sounds, tastes, smells, shapes, colors, and so on help confirm and strengthen one’s spiritual senses and sensitivity.

Beyond that, though, psychic abilities don’t mean someone is spiritual. Still, they have a part to play on the way to God. So, some say to avoid these, while others say to pay attention to them. Given the warning above, both ideas have some truth to them.


Q: What Does Intense Meditation Feel Like?

A deep and lasting sense of peace.

Q: What Happens When You Sit Still For 20 Minutes?

When we meditate every day for just 20 minutes, we start to weaken the neural connection in our brains, making us feel scared and under attack. At the same time, we improve the link between the part of our brains responsible for thinking and the parts responsible for feeling and fear.

Q: What Is That Magnetic Force Between My Hands?

You feel an energy flow (prana) between your hands. It has a magnetic pull. Energy is constantly moving through the body, but you can increase that flow with the proper breathing exercise.

Q: When I Relax, Why Do I Feel Some Energy In My Body?

This is because our awareness can go more profound when we meditate. 

Q: When Meditating, Why Do I Feel Like I’m Moving?

During meditation, if you become deeply relaxed, your body can “unwind” and release stress.

video guide:

source: YouTube

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