What Is Parigha Yoga? – Is It Bad Or Good Form Of Yoga In 2024

What Is Parigha Yoga?  Is It Bad Or Good Form Of Yoga In 2023

What Is Parigha Yoga?

Parigha or Paridh signifies blockage, a gate with an iron bar to close it, a palace’s gate, the Iron Club, and lines of clouds (across the sun orb).

The 19th Nitya (Naisargika) Yoga, Parigha, is controlled by Vishwkarman (also known as Tvashtar) and is seen as unfavorable (especially the first 30 Ghatis of it). It is one of the seven harmful yoga’s (which are not as evil as Vyatipata or Vaidhriti).

It is an unlucky yoga or mahurat that causes disappointments and obstacles in life, work, or ordinary activities. As you know, “parish” means to close off or bring in challenges, such as iron bars. It also causes solitude and a mild kind of sadness.

As we all know, the mahurat plays a major part in both Hinduism and Vedic astrology, and all promising actions are only carried out after considering the type of yoga or mahurat that is forming on a given day.

In a birth chart, two or more malefic planets, which are situated on opposite sides of the Ascendant, Moon, or Sun, create parigha yoga. It is considered a fundamental practice of yoga since it may have wonderful and awful effects on a person’s life.

We can see Parigha Yoga’s effects in various areas of a person’s life, including their work, relationships, health, and regular course of living.

Shani is the graha that governs Parigha (Saturn).
Certain Hindu groups keep away from yoga on all auspicious occasions.
Actions carried out during the Parigha Yoga session may encounter difficulties.


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Why is it considered bad or unfavorable?

Why is it considered bad or unfavorable?
Source: Pexels

This yoga is seen as bad since it may result in challenges, setbacks, and difficulties in the spheres of life represented by the fourth and tenth houses, such as the home, the job, and the reputation.

It is crucial to remember that numerous variables affect how a birth chart should be interpreted as a whole, and the existence of a Parigha Yoga does not always indicate bad fortune.

Parigha yoga is not a suitable muhurat or kind of yoga to perform beneficial rituals or duties. This yoga’s first three Ghati are very harmful. It is among the seven other malefic yogas and one of the most harmful.

People with this yoga birth sign may feel and go through ongoing frustrations or depression. However, these locals are clever and competent in practically every field.

This yoga’s lord, Saturn or Shani, represents isolation, depression, and loneliness, which perfectly explains why this yoga is unlucky.


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Which zodiac signs suffer most by parigha?

Which zodiac signs suffer most by parigha?


people born with the sign of Aries may experience depression and restlessness due to their circumstances or the people in it. They could experience difficulties in their regular tasks or events and lose their sense of motivation. Their desperation could worsen as a result of their inaction and laziness.


People born under the sign of Leo may experience anger and irritation while going about their everyday lives. This anger may cause problems for them or get them into conflict with the law.

They could upset people in their social networks or their business colleagues, or they might develop a rift. There’s a chance that their home life is chaotic and upsetting.


Those born under the sign of Sagittarius may feel as though they are wandering from the path of religion and spirituality, and they may experience an odd and puzzling grief when practising yoga.

No task would go as expected and would cause delays and disappointments, making the day feel pointless. To stay sane, they should engage in yoga or meditation.


People born under the sign of Capricorn may feel restricted and may think that others are having a hard time knowing them. They could not receive enough financial, emotional, or psychological support, which could harm their health.


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parigha yoga’s contribution to establishing marriage

parigha yoga's contribution to establishing marriage

If someone is having problems in their Marriage, they can make it strong and improve it with the support of the powerful and efficient practice of Parigha Yoga.

Based on the yoga principles, it contains a sequence of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation that may develop deeper connections between partners.

In a marriage, where both spouses must be responsive to each other’s demands, flexibility and strength are especially crucial. A greater emotional connection can result from increased physical closeness, which can be improved by joint yoga practice.

Parigha Yoga helps improve relationship communication. Couples who engage in the practice might learn to be more aware of both their thoughts and feelings and those of their partner by focusing on the breath and being in the moment.

Better understanding and communication—two things that are essential to a happy marriage—can result from this.

common postures in Parigha Yoga

  • Trikonasana
  • Parighasana
  • Parivrtta Trikonasana
  • Parsvakonasana
  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
  • Ardha Chandrasana

Negative sides of Parigha yoga

Negative sides of Parigha yoga
source: Pexels

Parigha Yoga has negative effects on a person’s life. It may aim to present obstacles and difficulties that might block their path to achievement. To maintain a stable profession, for example, a person with Shula Parigha may also experience economic hardships and conflict.

Similarly, a person with Danda Parigha may experience difficulties in relationships and have difficulty finding a life mate.


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Benefits of Parigha Yoga

Despite all the drawbacks of Parigha Yoga, it is no longer considered a terrible yoga all the time. In certain situations, it may provide someone strength and resilience, empowering them to go through obstacles and realize their objectives.

When Parigha Yoga has placed at the chart’s start, it may provide someone with energy and resiliency. They may be better able to overcome obstacles and problems in life with its help.

Parigha Yoga may, in certain situations, additionally improve a person’s capacity for making choices and help them succeed in their chosen profession.

What occurs when a person is born according to prigha Yoga?

What Occurs When A Person Is Born According To Prigha Yoga?
source: Pexels

One of the most challenging yoga poses. Through this yoga, your spiritual energy becomes stuck. You’ll spend your entire life looking for inner tranquility. Not a bad yoga-like Vyaghata or Vaidhriti, but a bad yoga with many difficulties. Nothing good comes to you easily in life.

During this yoga, there will be a lot of brain activity and inward reflection about life and oneself. You’ll come into circumstances that don’t make you joyful. You won’t ever become upset or furious when faced with disappointment. Over here, negativity is at its peak.

There won’t be any financial issues for you, but there won’t be any mental tranquility. In life, success comes later. Most likely in your 30s. Twentys will fall short of expectations. You’ll spend the prime years of your youth on some activity. You’ll be the sort of person who chooses the less-traveled path.


  • Aiding the needy and underprivileged is a remedy.
  • Contributing building supplies or aiding in the construction of homes is highly regarded.
  • Reciting mantras, such as the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra or the Gayatri mantra. These mantras can help to lessen the negative effects of parigha yoga. The mantras may be recited daily or just during certain astrologically opportune periods.
  • Wearing jewels that match those planets can be good. Carrying a pink coral for Mars or a blue sapphire for Saturn can be beneficial. However, before wearing any gemstone, it is recommended to consult with an astrologer.


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Celebrities who were born with this yoga:


Vedic astrology’s Parigha Yoga is an important yoga that can have an impact on a person’s path in life. Depending on where the malefic planets are in the birth chart, it can have both positive and bad effects.

While it may present difficulties and obstacles it may also present opportunities for development and change.
It is important to remember that the effects of Parigha Yoga might also change depending on where the malefic planets are located in a person’s birth chart.

While some people may have more negative consequences than others, others may experience more positive outcomes.


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Q1. Are Parigha Yoga classes suitable for beginners?

A. Beginners may practice Parigha Yoga. However, it’s important to start with simple positions and gradually increase the depth and intensity of the stretches.

Working with a certified yoga instructor is advised so they can show you the proper alignment and provide changes depending on your unique requirements and skills.

Q2. Is Parigha Yoga connected to something spiritual?

A. The physical elements of yoga, such as stretching the side body, are the main focus of Parigha Yoga. Like other yoga techniques, it has a connection with a spiritual element. Further development may require mindfulness, breath awareness, or other meditative practices.

Q3. Can a pregnant woman do parigha yoga?

A. Before beginning Parigha Yoga or any other fitness program, you must speak with a prenatal yoga practitioner or healthcare provider because pregnancy causes major physical changes in a woman’s body. They may advise you on appropriate adjustments and ensure the procedure is secure for you and your unborn child.

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