What Is Sanyasa Yoga In Astrology? – 3 Different Types Of Sanyasa Yoga

What is sannyasa yoga in astrology?

What Is Sanyasa Yoga In Astrology?

In Hindu astrology, Sanyasa yoga refers to the unique planetary configurations or combinations that appear in specific horoscopes and signify Sanyasa, or the renunciation of worldly material existence by individuals who are born with those yogas. Pravrajya yogas are another name for Sanyasa yogas.

As the name suggests, many of us are familiar with various types of yoga. Pravrajya yoga is another name for this practice. This yoga means that if someone does it, they will live as believers.

First, you can find this yoga primarily in Chapter 27 of the Pahaldipika, though it is also mentioned in several other books.

Yoga and astrology

Yoga And Astrology
Difference between Yoga And Astrology

Astrology and yoga are two separate fields with unique backgrounds and objectives. But there are some relationships between the two that merit study.

Yoga’s roots may be traced back to ancient India, where it has been practiced for a very long time in order to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Contrarily, astrology has origins in a wide range of civilizations and has been employed for many years to explain how the motions and placements of celestial bodies affect human existence.

The idea of the chakras, which are bodily energy centers said to correspond with many facets of human experience, is one way that yoga and astrology are related.

In some types of yoga, the chakras are connected to several astrological signs and planets, and yogis can utilize this information to help direct their practice and better comprehend themselves and the world around them.

The most appropriate times of day or phases of the moon to practice particular yoga postures or meditation methods are just two examples of how some individuals use astrology as a tool to understand their yoga practice.

In general, astrology and yoga may be utilized in conjunction to enhance one’s knowledge and practice of both disciplines, even if there is no direct connection between them.

Sanyasa yoga in astrology

Sanyasa Yoga In Astrology

Vedic astrology uses the word “Sanyasa Yoga” to refer to a certain set of planetary configurations and aspects that may signify a strong propensity for an ascetic or spiritual lifestyle.

When the ruler of the ninth house, which symbolizes spirituality, is also in the ninth house itself or is aspected by the ruler of the tenth house, which symbolizes career and material prosperity, this yoga is created.

The term “Sanyasa Yoga” is used in Vedic astrology to describe a specific set of planetary configurations and aspects that may indicate a strong tendency for an ascetic or spiritual lifestyle.

This yoga occurs when the ruler of the ninth house, which represents spirituality, also resides in the ninth house itself or is aspected by the ruler of the tenth house, which represents professional success and material wealth.

Sanyasa Yoga is simply one of the numerous planetary placements and aspects that might be present in a birth chart, but it is said to be a major predictor of a person’s spiritual aptitude and propensity for renunciation.

It is crucial to remember, nevertheless, that joining Sanyasa Yoga does not imply that one will inevitably become a renunciate, as one’s free will and personal decisions also influence one’s life path.

Factors that contribute to the formation of sanyasa yoga

Factors That Contribute To The Formation Of Sanyasa Yoga

A mixture of planetary configurations and aspects determines how Sanyasa Yoga is formed in a birth chart. The following are a few of the elements that helped give rise to Sanyasa Yoga:

1. Position of the 9th house’s ruler

In Vedic astrology, the 9th house is related to spirituality and advanced education. A great interest in spiritual activities and a desire to learn more about oneself and the world might be indicated by the placement of the 9th house’s lord in the house itself.

2. The lord of the ninth house

The lord of the ninth house is connected with the tenth house in Vedic astrology, which is related to careers and material achievement. A desire to combine spiritual interests with a career that is in line with one’s spiritual principles might be indicated if the lord of the 9th house is in conjunction with or aspected by the lord of the 10th house.

3. Influence of benefic planets

The 9th house and its ruler may be more conducive to spiritual development and a desire for a life of renunciation if benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus, or Mercury are in the 9th house.

4. Absence of malefic influences

Planets with a bad reputation, like Saturn or Mars, might make it difficult to follow a spiritual path. A smoother route to spiritual development and a higher possibility of leading a life of renunciation might be indicated if the ninth house and its ruler are free from malefic influences.

Sanyasa Yoga is simply one of a birth chart’s many potential formations, and it should be analyzed in the context of the whole chart as well as the individual’s particular life circumstances and decisions.


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Different types of sanyasa yoga

Different types of sanyasa yoga

A birth chart can constitute one of several different varieties of Sanyasa Yoga, each with its own special traits and signals. The most well-known varieties of Sanyasa Yoga include:

1. Raja yoga

When the ruler of the ninth house is in the ninth house itself, in the ninth house’s own sign, or in a friendly sign, and is also associated with or aspected by the ruler of the tenth house, the yoga known as Raja Yoga Sanyasa is established. This yoga may signal a great desire for spiritual growth and the capacity to reach a high level of enlightenment.

2. Viparita Raja Yoga

This yoga is known as Viparita Raja Yoga Sanyasa and is created when the rulers of the sixth, eighth, and twelfth houses interact or are associated with one another, along with the ruler of the ninth house.

While 9th house lord involvement can suggest a potential for spiritual growth through overcoming these challenges, Viparita Raja Yoga is generally regarded as a difficult yoga that indicates struggles and obstacles.

3. Parivraja Yoga

When the ruler of the ninth house is in the third, sixth, or twelfth house and is either associated with or aspected by the ruler of the tenth house, the Parivraja Yoga Sanyasa is created. This yoga may portend a life of exploration, travel, and spiritual yearning as well as the possibility of success and acclaim in a religious setting.

The Parivraja Yoga Sanyasa is formed when the ruler of the ninth house is in the third, sixth, or twelfth house and is either related with or aspected by the ruler of the tenth house. A life of exploration, travel, and spiritual desire, as well as the potential for achievement and renown in a religious environment, may be foretold by this yoga.

What does the horoscope say…?

What does the horoscope say…?
  • The horoscope indicates a strong situation for Sanyas Yoga when the 10th lord is in Kendra or Trikona and conjuncts 4 planets. A sanyas yoga occurs when four or more planets are in the same house at birth.
  • If Saturn and Mars are in aspect to the moon and it is in Kendra with Saturn,
  • If Saturn is making an aspect to the moon sign ruler,
  • Although there are other prerequisites, these represent the most important ones for Sanyas Yoga.
  • In addition, a person will experience the effects of Sanyas Yoga if they have three planets in the same house.


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The significance of sanyasa yoga in one’s life

The significance of sanyasa yoga in one's life

A strong potential for spiritual growth and a keen interest in spiritual matters are indicated by the creation of Sanyasa Yoga in a birth chart. These people could naturally gravitate toward contemplative activities like yoga and meditation and have a profound desire to comprehend the nature of the cosmos and the self.

Sanyasa Yoga also suggests the possibility of living a life of renunciation and separation from materialistic wants. Such people could be less concerned with prestige, fortune, and worldly belongings and instead try to concentrate on their spiritual development and helping others.

Potential for a vocation that is in line with one’s spiritual principles and interests is also suggested by Sanyasa Yoga’s relationship of the ninth house with the tenth house. These people could choose to work in spiritual or religious groups or pursue employment in areas like teaching, writing, or counselling.

In a spiritual setting, Sanyasa Yoga may also allude to a possibility for renown and notoriety. These people could rise to the position of respected instructors or community leaders, and they might be honoured for the good they have done for others’ spiritual development and contribution.

Married life of sanyas yoga participants

Married life of sanyas yoga participants

The participant in sanyas yoga will experience a lack of marital satisfaction. An ascetic can not experience many materialistic joys, such as love, wealth, or anything temporary. He intends to be spiritual. He will focus on eternal things like God and the soul.

His life will lack direction if he concentrates on something that is in opposition to his spiritual existence.

Sanyas yoga comes in various forms, all advocating a sterile lifestyle.

Sanyas yoga is used to marry a lot of individuals. Even in marriage, a person may face isolation from their spouse; this isolation may be due to physical distance than emotional connection, according to certain sanyas yoga.

One distinguishing feature of Sanyas yoga is the discontinuity of sexual sensations. For instance, one or both spouses may reside in a different city, only occasionally seeing one another.

Some people choose to remain overseas, avoiding their partners. This is an essential requirement for Sanyasa yoga.


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Disagreements with coworkers

Just because your fate is for a spiritual life but you are working for a worldly goal, if you practice sanyas yoga and are a corporate employee, you will frequently disagree with your coworkers.

Isolated condition

The defining characteristics of this yoga are separation and isolation. If a person practices this yoga and leads a life filled with parties and extensive networking for recreational purposes, they would undoubtedly experience a sense of emptiness.

Failed relationships

Failed relationships

Those who practice sanyas yoga may also have a string of failed relationships.

People like this ought to actively engage in spiritual activities. Attending a temple, church, or mosque has nothing to do with spirituality. Being spiritual entails giving spiritual ideals priority in one’s life.

You may improve your attention by setting aside at least ten minutes daily for prayer and meditation. Reading religious and philosophical works can also provide much advice on living such a life.

Since several planets converge in one house and exert significant influence, people’s lives will be confused.

Finally, you’ll be lost as to which way you should turn. If you practice this yoga, there is no option except to make spirituality your brand.

Different planets display different types of Sanyas yoga; some display asceticism and a clear lack of marriage.


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Sanyasa Yoga, which is an important yoga combination in Vedic astrology and denotes a high likelihood of leading a life of renunciation and spiritual pursuits, is therefore a fitting name for this article.

In a birth chart, the formation of Sanyasa Yoga might point to a natural propensity for activities like yoga, meditation, and contemplation, as well as a possibility for detachment from material interests and a concentration on one’s spiritual development and service to others.

Sanyasa Yoga can also portend the possibility of a spiritual career as well as success and acclaim in a spiritual setting. Sanyasa yoga is a powerful indicator of a person’s spiritual potential, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that each person’s free will and personal decisions also have an impact on their life path.

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