What Is The Meaning Of The Yogakaraka Planet? – And It’s Importance In 2024

What Is The Meaning Of The Yogakaraka Planet?

What Is The Meaning Of The Yogakaraka Planet?

When a planet rules a Trine house and a Kendra house simultaneously, it is called a Yoga Karaka. If this planet is put in a Kendra or a Trikona, it will be especially helpful as a Yoga Karaka.

The Yoga Karaka planet can make important and powerful yoga in a person’s birth chart. It is usually the most important and helpful planet in a person’s horoscope. It can bring about wealth, success, and general good things in many areas of life.

The Yoga Karaka planet gives results based on what it does, who owns it, and what it is. Having two good houses, like Kendra and Kona, will provide good results for both homes and your home.

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Importance of Karaka

In this area, karaka plantations are often mentioned in the context of mahinga kai, which translates to “food gathering places,” they are included on a list along with other significant resources and the locations at which they might be discovered.

Karaka is considered one of the most essential ‘wild staples’ that Mori consumes, along with kumara, fern root, and has. People think the Yogakaraka planet can counteract bad luck, give strength and safety, and improve a person’s general well-being.

Its position, conjunctions, aspects, and power in the birth chart are examined to determine how it will affect things like jobs, income, relationships, health, and spiritual growth.

Karakas for zodiac signs

Karakas for zodiac signs
source: Astro sage magazine

Messa (Aries)

Karaka: Mars (Mangal) Meanings: Bravery, vigor, activity, leadership, and a will to win.

Vrishabha (Taurus)

Venus (Shukra) is the planet which associates with material success and stability.

Twins (Gemini)

Mercury (Buddha): It is Karaka, and its meanings include communication, intelligence, flexibility, curiosity, and the desire to learn.


Moon (Chandra) is the Karaka.
Meanings: feelings, care, family, instinct, and sensibility.

Simha (Leo)

Karaka: Sun (Surya) Symbolisms: Uniqueness, Freedom of Expression, Originality, Power, and Authority

Capricorn (Kanya)

Mercury (Budha) Meanings are Dissection, Carefulness, Service, Realism, and Order.

Tula, Libra

Venus (Shukra) is the patron goddess, or karaka, of justice, peace, and beauty.

Cancer (Pisces)

Mars-related concepts include intensity, metamorphosis, secrecy, authority, and investigation (Mangal).

Dhanu (Sagittarius)

Jupiter (Guru) is the Karaka, and his attributes include wisdom, spirituality, travel, and a thirst for knowledge.

Makara, or Capricorn

Aspiration, self-control, duty, and stamina are all traits which associates with Saturn (Shani), the karaka.

Aquarius (Kumbha)

Karaka: Saturn (Shani) Significations: Liberty, innovation, kindness, and learning. Karaka: Saturn (Shani)

Meena, a Pisces

Jupiter (Guru) is the karaka for the creative process, symbolizing the mind, heart, and soul.

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Seven karakas in astrology

Seven karakas in astrology
Source: Quora

Here is a list of the seven Karakas and what they mean:

  1. The Atma Karaka, or Soul Significator, is determined by identifying the planet with the highest degree in an individual’s birth chart. It symbolizes the essence of an individual’s being, self-awareness, and ultimate life goal.
  2. The Career Symbol or Amatya Karaka The Amatya Karaka is the planet with the second greatest degree in the natal chart. It symbolizes making it in one’s chosen field and the real world.
  3. The planet with the third-highest degree in a person’s birth chart is the Bhratru Karaka (Siblings Significator). It shows close family ties such as siblings, cousins, and friends.
  4. To determine the Matri Karaka (Mother Significator), go to the natal chart’s fourth-highest-degree planet. It stands for maternal love, food, and comfort.
  5. The planet with the fifth-highest degree in a horoscope is the Pitru Karaka (Father Significator). It represents patriarchy, authority, and lineage.
  6. The planet in the birth chart that occupies the sixth-highest degree is the Putra Karaka (Children’s Significator). It stands for future generations, fresh ideas, and a heart full of pride.
  7. The planet occupying the seventh-highest position in one’s horoscope is the Gnati Karaka (Relatives Significator). It represents ties to one’s ancestry and one’s extended family.


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Compared to other planets in the same rising sign, a Yogakaraka Planet can be more productive. When such a planet makes a connection with another world, there is little room for question that the new earth will take on the soothing qualities of the old one, and the old planet will utilize the new one to bring about a variety of positive results in the life of the native.

The strength and placement of Yogakaraka are important, but the extent to which it can exert its influence over the other planets in the horoscope, especially the Kendra and Trikona lords and the lords of the 2nd, 11th, and 12th houses (the 12th house lord can absorb the quality of a lord, good or bad, with which it gets associates) determines how much energy the entire horoscope will receive from Yogakaraka.


Q1. Which planet is considered to be Scorpio’s Yoga-karaka?

FOR SCORPIANS ON THE ASCENT: Maleficent planets include Venus, Mercury, and Saturn. Jupiter and the Moon both have a positive influence. Both the Sun and the Moon are Yogakarakas.

Q2. Which Karaka should one use while getting married?

The karaka for marriage are the planets, Jupiter and Venus. If these planets are in fall because of weakness or suffering, there are likely to be many obstacles in the way of a happy marital existence.

Q3. What planet is the Yoga-karaka for a Sagittarius ascendant?

Jupiter rules the first and fourth houses for those born under a Sagittarius ascendant. As the lord of the ascendant and the fourth house in a Kundali chart, Jupiter is the planet with the most potential for positive outcomes.

Q4. What is Raja Yoga Karaka?

In the context of Parasari Raja yogas, the planet in a chart that is enable to govern both an angle and a trine house simultaneously is refer the Yog karaka. Sages have bestowed upon this planet the “Raja yoga Karaka” title, which translates to “indicator of Raja yoga.”

Q5. Karaka of gold resides on which planet?

Jupiter is the karaka of gold and the lord of the Sagittarius sign.

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