Why Do I Feel Electrical Sensations After Meditation? – Unveiling the reason behind in 2023

Why Do I Feel Electrical Sensations After Meditation?

Why Do I Feel Electrical Sensations After Meditation?

All these are normal feelings when you meditate because your mind is moving into more subtle thought worlds.

They feel like their body is on fire or tingly after meditating is normal. People often describe these feelings as energy or vibrations moving through the body. People believe that they occur due to high bodily power and awareness.

Vibration in the head during meditation

When we meditate, we often “see” or “feel” things that aren’t all that strange. They are usually just a sign that your energy (astral), spine, and chakras are starting to open and move. This looks good! When things like this happen, pray to God and your Guru (if you have one) for help and direction.

Don’t let things like a sound in the head while meditating take your mind off your goal of deep inner peace and happiness. Also, when you meditate, you should always pay more attention to the 6th chakra than the 7th chakra.


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Reasons: Why Do I Feel Electrical Sensations After Meditation?

Reasons: Why Do I Feel Electrical Sensations After Meditation?
source: pexels

 There are a few possible reasons these feelings happen, which we’ll discuss in more depth below.

1. Increased blood flow

When you meditate, your body relaxes, and your mind gets clear, which can lead to more blood flowing to different parts of your body. This increased blood flow can make the limbs feel tingly or quivering.

2. Stress release

 Meditation can help the body release physical and mental stress that has built up. As this stress leaves the body, it can feel like energy is going through it.

3. Activation of the chakras

Some forms of meditation, like Kundalini yoga, focus on getting the body’s energy centers, or chakras, to work. When these points are stimulated, it can feel like the energy is going up and down the spine.

4. Increased awareness

As we become more aware of our bodies through meditation, we may feel things we didn’t before. This heightened awareness can cause people to feel as if they are experiencing shocks or tingles.

Is it normal to feel tingly after meditation?

This is a normal thing to do. Just make sure you keep a level head throughout the process. You don’t want to hate or fear the feelings, but you also don’t want to give in to them by thinking that the more they happen, the better the process of letting go.

electric-shock sensations while meditating

electric-shock sensations while meditating
source: pexels

What you’re going through differs from what most people do, but it could be more exceptional too. Meditation and rest can release the body’s subtle energy, making you feel different things, like how electric you think when you meditate.

Here are some tips

1. Stay calm about what’s happening.

Don’t worry about what’s going on. If it’s just a strange feeling that isn’t painful or unpleasant, leave it alone. Most likely, it won’t last long. But if it makes you feel bad, stop relaxing for a few days or even longer and see if it goes away.

2. State of tranquility

Relaxation should be the core of your exercise. You won’t be able to focus well if your body or mind is tense, which could be the cause of what you’re going through. Try this way to release stress in your body and mind before you relax. 

Also, when you relax, sit up straight with your back straight. “A bent spine is the enemy of self-realization,” Yogananda wrote in How to Awaken Your True Potential.

Your thoughts are on your curved spine. Your electric currents are busy with your muscles and body, so you can’t focus on God. If you control your body through discipline, your mind will be free to move your awareness from the body to the infinite. 

3. Do pranayama

What meditation method do you use? If it’s more appropriately called a pranayama breathing technique, you should cut back on it or switch to an accurate one.

If you do too much of some pranayama breathing methods, you can easily overload your body’s subtle-energy systems and have bad energy experiences.

4. Asanas before meditation

 Before you meditate, do some asanas, which are yoga positions, to relax your body and get your energy moving more efficiently. What you’re going through could be caused by a blockage of energy that could be cleared out with asana practice.

Ananda Yoga is great for this and helps you meditate more deeply. Classes 2 through 4 of this long Ananda Yoga video routines list will significantly help you.

5. Consider the divine

Think about God as you meditate. Meditate while experiencing these sensations and actively ask to be shown the process of meditation. If this keeps happening, ask yourself, “Is this right for me?” Do I need to change anything I’m doing? It would help if you looked after me. How do I get there?” Make your meditation a way to show how much you care.

6. Stay strong

Don’t give up on meditation, no matter what. Sometimes we have to figure out how to get through hard times. I hope this is useful.


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Different ways to meditate and how it makes you feel an electric sensation

Different ways to meditate and how it makes you feel an electric sensation
source: pexels

1. Meditation on being aware

In mindfulness meditation, the person doing it pays attention to their breath, how their body feels, or their thoughts as they appear in the present. This type of meditation is known for helping people become more self-aware and clear-headed.

Some people may get an electric feeling during exercise, often described as a tingly or buzzing feeling all over the body. This feeling could be caused by more energy, ease, or a change in the pattern of the brain’s waves.

2. Meditation and Yoga

To get into a quiet state, yoga meditation uses physical positions (called asanas), control of the breath (called pranayama), and mental concentration. During yoga meditation, a person might feel warmth, lightness, or energy flow. 

The electric feeling could be caused by a mix of deep breathing, moving energy, and changes in the body. This feeling is a sign of deep and good practice, which improves the whole experience.

3. Focusing and meditating

For concentration meditation, the person doing it has to concentrate on one thing, like a light flame, a phrase, or the feeling of their breath. The goal is to train the mind to stay focused on one thing, which can lead to deeper states of meditation in the long run.

 As the practitioner goes deeper into the state, they may feel electric. This could be because the brain waves are slowing down as they move into the theta wave frequency or because of the intense focus that opens up energy routes in the body.

4. Meditation that goes beyond the mind

Transcendental Meditation, or TM, is a method that involves repeating a phrase quietly in your head. This helps you reach a deep state of ease and a state of awareness that is beyond your everyday self.

When you do TM, you may feel electric because subtle energies or prana move through different pathways in your body. 

This boosts your senses and puts you in a deeper state of rest. This feeling usually happens when meditators reach a form of “expanded consciousness” or “transcendental awareness,” which deepens their meditation experience.


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The awakening of the Kundalini

The awakening of the Kundalini
source: hamaliyanyogaacademy

Kundalini awakening is the process of waking up energy that is thought to be dormant at the base of the spine. Often shown as a twisted snake, this energy rises through the chakras, the body’s energy centers. This leads to a state of increased awareness and awakening.

1. Some of the most common signs of the waking of Kundalini are:

  • Feelings of energy going up through the body in a robust way
  • You may feel vibrations, buzzing, or an electric charge during meditation.
  • The body moves or mudras (hand gestures) that happen on their own during meditation
  • Strange or vivid dreams and a stronger sense of intuition

Bottom line

Some people feel like their skin is buzzing or quivering when meditating. It usually starts in the fingers and moves through the rest of the body, leaving behind a warm, tingly feeling. People often say the surface is like pins and needles in their skin.

Many people find the electrical energy they get during meditation exciting and helpful. Whether the feeling comes from nerve stimulation, more blood flow, or the release of hormones, the body is relaxed, and the mind is clear.

Whether you have been meditating for a long time or are just starting, adding this feeling to your practice can help you feel more relaxed and better.

FAQs: Why Do I Feel Electrical Sensations After Meditation?

Q: What is the sensation after meditation?

Meditation makes you feel calm, relaxed, and sometimes happy.

Q: Why did I feel like I was vibrating while meditating?

When the body is letting go of more intense training or stress, it is customary to twitch or move in other ways while meditating. 

Q: Why do I feel vertigo after meditation?

This happens automatically when you breathe, and your heart rate slows. The result is that you might feel light-headed or dizzy, but there’s no need to worry.

Q: Why do I feel uncomfortable after I meditate?

This sounds like nervousness brought on by calm. If you Google it, you’ll find many stories about how this happens to some people, especially those with anxiety problems. I couldn’t relax or do yoga for years because it made me nervous.

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