Why Do I Feel Sick After Yoga? – Understanding the Causes and Solutions In 2024

Why Do I Feel Sick After Yoga? –Understanding the Causes and Solutions

Why Do I Feel Sick After Yoga?

Post-yoga nausea can be caused by a variety of circumstances, such as eating a meal prior to class, releasing toxins, and the body processing emotions and trauma.

That’s because you’re exercising muscles you don’t frequently utilize and stretching your muscles in unusual ways. Even the most athletic individual might feel their muscles tense up during a yoga session and then feel painful afterward.

It’s common to experience some aftereffects after your first yoga session, even if you have been doing it for a long time! Yoga is a traditional practice that includes holding positions for a long time, making your muscles painful and your joints stiff.

Flu-like symptoms after yoga

There are many reasons we might feel like we have the flu after yoga, such as Human Growth Hormone: This hormone is made when you do yoga. It helps to repair muscles and grow new tissue. This hormone is essential for the way our muscles work.


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Reasons why we feel sick after yoga?

Reasons why we feel sick after yoga?

Following a yoga session, you could feel sick for some reason. Here are a few possible explanations:

1- Dehydration

Yoga may be physically demanding, primarily if you practice a hot or intense form. You might become dehydrated if you don’t consume enough water before, during, or after your practice, which could result in nausea, dizziness, or lightheadedness.

2- Muscle cramping

You can feel ill if you overexert yourself during your yoga session. This might happen if you attempt advanced postures before you are prepared or don’t take breaks when necessary.

3- Hypoglycemia

Yoga can sometimes cause a drop in blood sugar, primarily if you practice first thing in the morning without eating. It’s possible to have nausea or dizziness after practice if you already have low blood sugar or are exposed to hypoglycemia.

4- Constipation

Specific yoga postures, especially those that involve twisting or bending the abdomen, might irritate the digestive system and make you feel nauseous or uncomfortable. Specific postures may worsen your symptoms if you already have a digestive disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or stomach cramps.

5- Sentimental release

Yoga may occasionally be an emotional practice, mainly if you are focusing on mindfulness or meditation. During practice, your body may release these sensations if you have been holding onto emotional stress or tension. These feelings might occasionally appear as physical symptoms like nausea or dizziness.

6- Pose Crossovers

Even with appropriate technique, doing twisted poses may give you headaches and nausea if you are susceptible to headaches or migraines.

The following poses should be avoided by anyone who suffers from headaches frequently:

  • Any bridge posture Headstands
  • the dolphin posture
  • Backward dog
  • Fold in front

You can add them to your practice if some of these postures cause headaches but not others. Always listen to your instincts!

7- No break practice

Yoga May Leave You Feeling Sick If You Don’t Take Breaks!
After yoga, feeling unwell might result from pushing yourself too hard and failing to take pauses. You often push yourself hard when practicing Bikram or hot yoga, which causes you to feel nauseous or lightheaded. Instead, pause when necessary!

8- Water Overconsumption

After your yoga session, drinking too much water might also make you feel worse after yoga. Even if it doesn’t happen often, you should know about it. The electrolyte levels in your body might be diluted if you consume too much water.

Your body needs electrolytes for various reasons, including controlling how hard your muscles contract, maintaining a healthy pH, and keeping you hydrated. Thus, consuming too much water might deplete your electrolyte reserves, interfere with essential bodily processes, and make you feel sick.

Drink the required quantity of water at a relaxed, steady pace to prevent this. Drinking a lot of water quickly will likely cause more harm to your health than benefit.

9- Eating insufficiently

  • You could feel nauseous afterward if you ate nothing before your yoga session.
  • Yoga can be practiced on an empty stomach for some people, but most people need to eat something beforehand to keep their blood sugar (glucose) levels from going too low.
  • As you exercise, your body uses a lot of glucose. You may feel headaches, lightheadedness, blurry vision, trouble concentrating, and other symptoms if your blood sugar levels are too low.
  • Try to consume high-protein foods and complex carbohydrates before yoga to prevent this. You’ll have the energy you require without experiencing the heartburn or nausea caused by consuming meals high in fat.

10- Eating Saturated Fat-Rich Foods

Your pre-yoga diet may also be responsible for the fact that you didn’t feel as heated afterward. Saturated fats take twice as long to absorb as other nutrients like complex carbs, which might make you feel nauseous if you eat them before doing exercise. You may still feel full and nauseous even if you consume them a few hours before your yoga lesson.

11- Eating Before Class

Many people asked “Why Does Yoga Make Me Nauseous?” The answer is that eating before yoga practice can make you nauseous as it releases toxins. To avoid nausea during yoga you should avoid eating before class.

The poses and stretches in a yoga session will make you sweat as you start to practice. If you ate something substantial or fatty before your lesson, it must be digested as you practice.

An uncomfortable feeling may arise during and after a yoga lesson due to blending these conflicting energies. Eating light at least an hour before going to a studio is essential to avoid feeling nauseous or developing a stomach ache during class.

To keep hydrated, drink lots of water (but not too much) and consume items like fruits (such as apples or blueberries), protein bars, or almonds.

12- A lot of heat

A frequent form of yoga is hot yoga, practiced in a room heated to roughly 105 degrees Fahrenheit. After doing hot yoga, it’s usual for people to feel various symptoms, such as nausea, dizziness, and even fainting.

Of course, doing yoga in these temperatures puts you at greater risk for heat stroke and dehydration. Thus, drink plenty of water and, if required, take breaks!

13- skipping breathing

You may have forgotten to breathe during or after your yoga session if you felt lightheaded or disoriented. Even though breathing is at the heart of yoga, it is possible to forget to breathe.

Breathing holds are especially common during strong flows or core activities. Your heart may not be able to pump enough oxygenated blood to your brain if you are continually holding your breath. If your brain lacks oxygen, you’ll feel lightheaded and dizzy.

To avoid this, focus on your breath, especially when performing difficult positions. The more you concentrate on breathing, the simpler it will get since practice makes perfect.

14- Getting back to yoga after a long break

If you used to practice yoga regularly but haven’t touched your mat in a while, you could feel stiff when you first get back on it. This is because yoga may be a hard practice that stretches your entire body.

Even if you don’t have any issues specific to yoga, getting back into practice after a long break can be challenging and even unpleasant.


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How to prevent being sick after yoga?

How To Prevent Being Sick After Yoga?

You may do some things to avoid being unwell after practicing yoga, including:

1- Dehydrate yourself

Water is essential to drink in large amounts before, during, and after yoga since dehydration can result in nausea and dizziness.

2- Take a quick snack before yoga

Before your practice, have a healthy snack to help control your blood sugar levels and stave off nausea. A big lunch before yoga should be avoided, which might lead to indigestion and discomfort.

3- Start slowly

Ease yourself if you’re new to yoga or haven’t practiced. Start slowly and build up to longer and more intense sessions. Excessive effort and rapid movement might wear you out and make you feel ill.

4- Prevent specific postures

Certain yoga poses, especially those that require reversals or twisting motions, might make you feel dizzy and nauseous. If you frequently become unwell after a particular posture, change it or stay away from it.

5- Consult a doctor

Contact a doctor if you frequently feel ill after yoga; this might indicate a more severe health issue. To rule out any potential health risks, consult a doctor.

6- Relax

Throughout your practice, if you start to feel tired or nauseous, stop and rest in Child’s Pose or Corpse Pose until you feel better.


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Closing words

It is not unusual to feel sick after yoga, but you can avoid becoming unwell after doing yoga and take advantage of this lovely sport if you follow the tips given in this article.


Q: Why do I feel sick after hot yoga?

A: Most of the time, feeling sick and throwing up after working out in the hot yoga is caused by heat stress or heat fatigue.

Q: What are the symptoms of yoga release toxins?

A: Yoga Release Toxins That Make You Feel Sick like headaches and migraines feeling sleepy, and being tired.

Q: Why do I feel sick and dizzy during yoga?

A: It may happen because of clear things like thirst, heat, or hunger. Some kinds of yoga, like a fast-paced vinyasa class in a hot room, can make people feel more likely to get dizzy.

Q: Does yoga release toxins in your body?

A: Like any other exercise, yoga is good for you if you do it right. Vigorous exercise does help the body get rid of toxins by making lymph fluid and blood flow faster.

Q: Why do I feel so sick after sitting all day?

A: Your hip flexors get shorter when you sit, and sitting can also hurt your back, especially if you don’t have good balance. 

Q: How to avoid getting sick during hot yoga?

  •  Perform every pose at 50–75% until the heat doesn’t bother you as much.
  • Try a hot but not the same as hot class or studio.
  • Move out of the room often and drink cold water, but make sure the teacher knows why.

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